You need to visit their website and register your lot (material) so they have a lot # to refer to when communicating with you. There is an email address available also.
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i dropped off a load of material with these guys yesterday, and these guys are great to deal with, great customer service skills, fair prices, and just generally good guys, i would happily recommend them to anyone.
had a great out come with them and super fast turn out sent in 35lb of hd boards and threw in a few outher boards they sorted them and had a return of 433.03 for 35lb after shipping cost....i am so impressed and sending in another box this week!!!!! i sent on thursday threw fedex his shipping lable, recived on tusday sent check in mail on wednesday that is super fast considering there was a holiday mixed in with the time THANK YOU EVERBODY SHOULD GIVE THEM A TRY and yes i know i was yelling that so louid!!!
35lbs of hd boars!! wow that's alot of hd's. I did the same thing, sent a box on a wensday and check was in the mail by friday.
Overall a very good transition. For 175 pounds shipping was under .70c a pound. For my mixed load of mostly boards ,high and mid grade, it came out to over 3$/lb. Also buys li ion batteries. Has some of the best prices ive seen online thus far.
i work at a scrap yard part time and i am able to buy all boards comeing in as shreed price!!!! Now that is a great deal and a pt job landed by the lord him self we needed this extra income for last yr so bably I was dignosed with MS a yr ago but still working without drawing a gov. check We have been really blessed with ewasted and there great help!! And by the way that was 412lb of hard drives mostly 40-80 gig drives to get 35lb of boards.
Another great transaction...Thanks Ewasted.
Missy my prayers are with you MS is nothing to joke about, just keep the faith and the blessings will keep comeing. Thats a sweet gig I could use one like that.
How many of you guys take the time to break the ewaste down before you send it in to Ewasted? For example do you guy cut the gold fingers off of the ram and cards? Do you take the boards off of the HD's? etc.
Ewasted do would you consider that to be poor scrapper edicate?
For shipping use Ewasted's fedex labels. It will save you some money. I saved about $15 in shipping doing that.
Mrsamsonite - you can send him mixed items. As for cutting the gold fingers off the ram/cards. Read his post on prices. If you do that he isn't going to buy the stuff. He has prices for HDs with and w/o boards. Same for complete and non-complete laptops, etc.
I send in pictures of the items I have for sale. I remove any of the brackets, batteries, etc. per request. On MBs most of the heat sinks, etc. are still on the boards unless they are screwed in. He is very honest with us and in return deserves us to be honest with him.
E ihave some hd that are missing the back. Will you still take these
Regarding trimming fingers, we'd recommend you do not. For some guys it pays off, others it doesnt. It depends what your costs are.
Not sure what you mean by missing back?
on the hd
the plate that covers the board is gone or was there one even there to start with
ok Ill go ahead and not cut off the gold finders. So, how much are the fedex labels for shipping if you go through ewasted? I paid about $23 to ship a 20lb. package to Are the fedex label cheaper than that or about the same?
sent in 44 lbs of cell phones, no backs or batteries with a shipping label he supplied..everything went great and I received my check for $235.88 today (less $39.00 for shipping from west coast)...I'm happy so say it was very smooth transaction..THANKS EWASTED
CD/DVD: $.22/lb
Does this mean you pay .22 for cd/dvd drives?
That is correct.
Ewasted, I have a little bit of everything. Should I hold on and build a bigger pile or just throw it all in together and let you sort and price it?
I never followed up to the end of my first sell with ewasted (the payment). Everything went smooth, quick, and the check arrived in the mail in about 2-3 days. Deposited it at the bank with no problems. Thanks for a great first transaction...
I'm about to send another 75 pound box to you (maybe 2). I did send a PM asking a 2 questions so after those are answered, I will create a new lot request and get a prepaid FedEx label.
I went to do my own FedEx label online for 60 pounds and it came out to $48. I got the quote from Ewasted on their return shipping label and it was only $33! Increased my profit margin by $15 without doing anything but requesting a return label quote! I believe a company gets better rates using a type of item return or RMA return shipping label versus having the consumer pay for a standard label. I know this was the case using DHL at a company I worked for. You will see more of a difference with the more weight on one package. On a 20lb package you may only see $2-$4 difference... but still that's $2-$4 in your pocket in the end!
As for cutting off gold fingers, it's all about your time. I have 150 pounds of finger cards that I cut off the gold fingers and got over 4½ pounds of fingers. I would have got about $155 extra keeping them on the finger cards ($4.10/lb on vs $3.05/lb off). By taking them off I will get over $300. I cut them off while I watch TV in my "relaxing" time. It did take about 2 weeks of cutting about 500+ boards (I use a vise grip and break them off), but I was also taking off the heat sinks and some copper that were on the boards as well. Again, it's all about your time vs payout.
Thanks AJR I will go with the prepaid fedex shipping offered by ewasted next time. The first time I just assumed that it would be more expensive than doing the cheapest rate through USPS.
It seems that it might be worth it to clip the gold fingers off but, I want to follow proper scrapper etiquette. Ewasted already mentioned that they prefer that we leave them on. so...
Since my first package to ewasted was 60 pounds, I looked at usps all rates, ups, and fedex. Fedex was the best of the 3, but ewasted's fedex return label was 1/3 less than that!
I'm sure ewasted would like to keep the gold fingers on everything, but in the first post of this thread with pricing, it actually says they won't take MEMORY with the fingers cut off. Whereas there are 2 prices listed for Finger boards - with and without gold fingers.
ewasted do i need to remove the metal bracket that holds the cards in
Just finished my first transaction with Ewasted. His company was even better than all the reviews. Fast and smooth. I shipped my package UPS 59lbs for $20 and some change. But I'm not that far from him. He's a good dude that seems to try very hard to run a great company. Thanks
Just completed my first transaction with ewasted and his company. He was very helpful throughout the whole process. It took exactly one week from me shipping my package to receiving my check. I'm just getting into ewaste and he makes it simple for me. I know where all the rest of mine is going from now on. The only mistake I made was not using his shipping label. It would have saved me 7 bucks but I know better for now. If anyone is shopping around for a good ewaste buyer look no further. Thanks for a smooth transaction.
Clothes ck...LOTZA! like cash, but ck's work ;-) North boun an downnnnnnnn, loaded up an truckin. and were OFFFFFF. to see Ewasted. Have a great day! BroJer
I got 60+ pounds of cell phones from an auction for stupid cheap. Took me a while but sounded like the best deal so sent them off to ewasted. I think cell phones may be my new favorite! I'll keep you posted.
Hm. Can't seem to fix the typo in my title.
I have sent nearly a 1000 lbs to ewasted in the last month or so and I am highly impressed and the checks just keep rolling in
Well he better get ready for some more.....A LOT more! My business is exploding so fast that it's a little scary! Calls every day now and solid waste district wants to work with me as well! geez! Ewasted is the closest one too me, just a few hours drive.
Ok, report on trip to "E". I will leave out all the pee breaks or it will be a very long post :p I departed Cincy at 6:30am, north boun...hammer down, cool sunglasses on, with a 1/2 ton+ in the truck...and Wiggly. Arrived at high noon and "E" was able to get his crew right on unloading and sorting. Most of what I took was pretty well separated and in order. I did, however, have a couple boxes full of a real mix of boards, some from old radio equipment, old cpu's, dot matrix printers, etc , and plenty of questions to go with them.
To summarize my thoughts on "E" after spending about 3 hours with him. Wellllllll...lets see here...He is like, ummmmm...the BOY SCOUT of E-Scrap. yea yea, there we go. trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. ;) let me add professional. My only regret is that I did not take about the same amount to him a few months ago. I am looking for the ticket on that one and going to do a comparison to see what the % difference is.
Made it back home to Cincy last night at 8:30. ALL THE KIDS WERE GONE FOR THE NIGHT!!! canIgetanAMEN!
Having now met "E" in person, I look forward to getting back there in the near future and seeing him again, In the interim, I will be shipping much of what comes my way, as it comes. With the cost and EASE of shipping, using his pre-printed label, it just does not make sense to NOT take advantage of it. It will allow me to keep product moving, freeing up needed space, and help maintain a steady cash flow.
oh, much did I make? IF I TOLD YOU, you would be sooooooooooooooooooo jealous.:p Have a good day! BroJer
Ewasted... your PM box is full! I wanted to ask about FedEx shows they delivered the package about 10am today. I haven't seen my lot get updated with "Package Received". Just want to make sure the 87 lb box was received.
Thank you guys for such a smooth first transaction sure hope to do lots of business with you in the future
Just sent them to ewasted. I picked them up at auction for something like 4-6 bucks, and wasn't sure if I was wasting my money or not. Well ewasted made it a very simple process. A couple of emails, he sent me a prepaid FedEx label, I shipped them out and within a week I had a check from him for $320.00. Now that's my kind of scrapping!
I've already begun accumulating my next box of cell phones.
I completed my first transaction with Ewasted. I want to say how impressed I am with not only the speed of the transaction, but also the quality of the communications. All enterprises--big and small--could learn something from the way Ewasted conducts business. I am a fan.
I just got back from my 2nd transaction with ewasted. For the 2nd time i made more than i thought i would get. Ewasted is by far the best buyer of escrap there is first class. Ive been dealing in scrap for 20 years and ewasted is the best to deal with. thanks
Sent first box off this past monday E got it on wed. check in hand on sat. It helps out alot when they help sort out your stuff iam new to e-scrap and dont know much about the boards. Iam very pleased with everything. Another box going out to E. monday
Sent a flat-rate box of ram. Everything went smooth as butter. Highly recommend doing business with them.
Wife just got back from dropping off our stuff to ewasted.
Now i just need to find out if my house will support the weight of 126,385 pennies so i can take a bath in them like scrooge Mc Duck