If he does it would probably only be worth it if you were close enough to deliver them with your other boards.
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i will be driving there my self,i just want to know about the plastic and the low grade boards.i have a part time job so i can pay my bills i plan to wait till i can fill a truck and trailor and head that way,i figure the plastic and low grade may help with gas ,thats why im asking.since i started taking electronics im getting alot of both and have no way to sell them where im at.id like to find out my options with this type of material befor i get really deep in the stuff
Sent in a lot (lot 1365021468) with gold connectors and many of them got classified as low grade connectors at .80 cents per # less than other gold connectors. Ive been paying the same price for all of them. So i would like to know how the company classifies them so i can pay less for some.
Other than this minor concern every shipment has been very satisfactory and a good deal with little hassle. Thank you for your service.
Yes mario buys low grade TV, crt and DVD boards.
That would be good to know as I have been cutting and collecting them for some time now and have four 5 gallon buckets full with the understanding from reading a bunch of posts that gold connectors are all classed the same unless they are military grade.
I also have a box of the connectors.........I thought they were all the same
Granted I turned in only like 2 lbs with my last shipment but they all payed the same.
This unfortunately is going back to April. I sort of remember seeing these and infact rarely if ever (3 or 4 times in the last year) have downgraded connectors. These i think (not positive) were extremely heavy, with virtually no gold content. Looked like microphone ends or something to that effect. If I am incorrect I apologize and may have mixed it up with someone else's lot. Since it is so far back these are gone. This is a good time to remind everyone, please report back to us with any issues within a day or two if there are any issues or perceived issues with your lot.
I should of asked at the time about the connectors. Now im buying more and didnt want to overpay. But that clears it up, not all gold connectors pay the same which makes sense. In know way am i displeased about this, cfcs has always been fair on grading all of my escrap.
Got payment for my 4th load to Ewasted. Very happy with service, pricing and service. In this load he upgraded 14 pounds to telecom. I would not have know this and just would have accepted the grade I thought so I will add honesty to my list above.
Thanks so much
That is a good idea. We are working on a revision right now of the site which will include some of that.
My response was meant to read computers, printers, monitors 90% or more. Reason being 10% or less can be from TV's, routers, etc. That was typically what we had seen. To offer a "menu" of pricing on the plastics is not economically viable.
The issue with the connector was that it was for some sort of audio purposes, even our pricing offered was probably ambitious. I just looked at the top of our connector gaylord and saw two cigarettes.... no one in our company smokes. How do we communicate we dont buy cigarettes as gold connectors?
My fear with putting too much info on our site is the MAIN aspects of our site are being over looked... such as "INSERT A PACKING SLIP" and the part about a human generating quotes during normal business hours. Adding more information, making the site more " Busy" will create even MORE questions.
If you guys have any feedback please email us. I am happy to have this discussion on improvements.
This thread is VERY long and I truly want to keep it relating to feedback/reviews and some important instructions and updates. Discussions regarding our service are best discussed over the phone or via email.
I had the chance to visit some friends up in Buffalo last week. One was in from Canada for a limited time. Soooooo I hustle and load a 1/4 ton of material and give Mario a heads up. IMMA COMIN THROUGH... and ... GOTTA STOP, DROP and GOOOOOO. I kept him updated through the morning via text. IMMA HERE...NOW IMMA HERE...NOW IMMA ALMOST THERE.
Sooooo I pull in the lot and text...IMMA HERE...and as I drive to the back, the door opens. I back in and Mario heads off to get a forklift. Quickly unloads, we talk a bit while I stretch, then I jump in the truck and head on up the road. (not before giving him a few cans of some infamous Skyline Chili)
I do not need to stay, and watch over anyone's shoulder, as they sort my boards. I know all I have to do, is get it there, and go. As a matter of fact, he sent me a partial pay 15min after I got on the road. More the next day. Balance when I got home.
How kewl is that! While I did not have the amount on the truck I would have liked, it made visiting friends possible, by making it a working mini vacation.
Thanks again, Mario, for all that you and the staff do, to go above and beyond!!! I look forward to seeing ya'll again soon! +++BroJer
Heres my first evaluation!
Using an old kitchen scale I was worried my weights would be off - they were actually very close to the nose when all was said and done! ( Total weight -color me shocked on that!). Most of my weights matched his on the items other than MB's and misc boards within a few ounces and I'm sure he uses a digital scale.
Where I WAS off was MY sorting before I packed the boxes and all I can say is thank goodness those guys know what they are doing because I guessed 29 pounds on MB's and Mario's weight came in at 60 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o I was like, ''Huh??''
So. even though I thought I was ''Mrs. know it all'' and being helpful in my sorting to make it easier and more productive for them I totally ended up being ''Mrs. NOT so know it all!'' :lol:
I even thought I had all my CPU's sorted correctly which they require but it looks like I ended up screwing a couple of those up too (my apologies to the crew). Lol, I was reading my sort list from him on the CPU's and scratching my head thinking, '' huh, I don't remember having one of those!''
My shipment got there on Friday and I was able to track it from start to finish right from their website which was fantastic and pretty cool! I received an email this morning that my shipment had been processed.
When I first joined this site and saw these ads for the ''Cash for computer scrap'' I thought to myself, ''this sounds like one of those 'too good to be true' type things.'' I don't know why, and I just never sent a shipment in.
Well, I'm glad I did and its very real because if I had sold this shipment to my local scrap yard that buys boards at .15 lb I would have only made $17.00 for 112 lbs versus what my shipment was worth to Mario's business.
Two thumbs up to EWASTED and I will most certainly do business with you in the future! :)
Your weights were close to his because he uses a bathroom scale too;)
All I can say is that I base my biz model after these guys and buy accordingly.........Never met the folks in person as I am about 10 hours away but I am constantly boxing my material and sending it in............Never been screwed as a matter of fact gotten more than I hoped for.........As far as sorting I probably don't do a very good job but I figure if I sort it they are going to resort it anyways.........I do try to separate gold memory, gold connectors, hd boards, cell phones etc..........The rest of the boards I have a fair grasp of what they should be graded but these guys are obviously pros!!!.......Thanks again and by the way just bought 5000 lbs of servers so I will have plenty coming your way
got confirmation my check is on its way and i was very happy with these guys and i definetly will be sending off more ... !!
This is why i stick with what I know.....42# box picked up by fedex on Monday, received and processed TODAY by CFCS. Check in the mail TODAY. $26 for shipping, $295.34 check heading my way!!! Once again customer service like it should be!!! Thank you to Mario and everyone at CFCS,