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Pricing Updated!
i dropped off a load of material with these guys yesterday, and these guys are great to deal with, great customer service skills, fair prices, and just generally good guys, i would happily recommend them to anyone.
had a great out come with them and super fast turn out sent in 35lb of hd boards and threw in a few outher boards they sorted them and had a return of 433.03 for 35lb after shipping cost....i am so impressed and sending in another box this week!!!!! i sent on thursday threw fedex his shipping lable, recived on tusday sent check in mail on wednesday that is super fast considering there was a holiday mixed in with the time THANK YOU EVERBODY SHOULD GIVE THEM A TRY and yes i know i was yelling that so louid!!!
35lbs of hd boars!! wow that's alot of hd's. I did the same thing, sent a box on a wensday and check was in the mail by friday.
Overall a very good transition. For 175 pounds shipping was under .70c a pound. For my mixed load of mostly boards ,high and mid grade, it came out to over 3$/lb. Also buys li ion batteries. Has some of the best prices ive seen online thus far.
i work at a scrap yard part time and i am able to buy all boards comeing in as shreed price!!!! Now that is a great deal and a pt job landed by the lord him self we needed this extra income for last yr so bably I was dignosed with MS a yr ago but still working without drawing a gov. check We have been really blessed with ewasted and there great help!! And by the way that was 412lb of hard drives mostly 40-80 gig drives to get 35lb of boards.
Another great transaction...Thanks Ewasted.
Missy my prayers are with you MS is nothing to joke about, just keep the faith and the blessings will keep comeing. Thats a sweet gig I could use one like that.
How many of you guys take the time to break the ewaste down before you send it in to Ewasted? For example do you guy cut the gold fingers off of the ram and cards? Do you take the boards off of the HD's? etc.
Ewasted do would you consider that to be poor scrapper edicate?
For shipping use Ewasted's fedex labels. It will save you some money. I saved about $15 in shipping doing that.
Mrsamsonite - you can send him mixed items. As for cutting the gold fingers off the ram/cards. Read his post on prices. If you do that he isn't going to buy the stuff. He has prices for HDs with and w/o boards. Same for complete and non-complete laptops, etc.
I send in pictures of the items I have for sale. I remove any of the brackets, batteries, etc. per request. On MBs most of the heat sinks, etc. are still on the boards unless they are screwed in. He is very honest with us and in return deserves us to be honest with him.
E ihave some hd that are missing the back. Will you still take these
Regarding trimming fingers, we'd recommend you do not. For some guys it pays off, others it doesnt. It depends what your costs are.
Not sure what you mean by missing back?
on the hd
the plate that covers the board is gone or was there one even there to start with
ok Ill go ahead and not cut off the gold finders. So, how much are the fedex labels for shipping if you go through ewasted? I paid about $23 to ship a 20lb. package to Are the fedex label cheaper than that or about the same?
sent in 44 lbs of cell phones, no backs or batteries with a shipping label he supplied..everything went great and I received my check for $235.88 today (less $39.00 for shipping from west coast)...I'm happy so say it was very smooth transaction..THANKS EWASTED
CD/DVD: $.22/lb
Does this mean you pay .22 for cd/dvd drives?
That is correct.
Ewasted, I have a little bit of everything. Should I hold on and build a bigger pile or just throw it all in together and let you sort and price it?