$52.49 which is about .44 per pound.
Printable View
$52.49 which is about .44 per pound.
Quick turnaround & nice payout. CFCS continues to satisfy.
My order processed and check in the mail! Thanks
Ok guys, I need a pep talk I'm sooo disappointed. Busted my booty getting 65 pds of boards together and my payout resulted in .06 cents after my shipping fee. Order ranged from satellite receivers, dvd's, monitors, laptop, cable boxes, printers, stereo, cellphones, computer towers, TV's, few cpu's, HD's broke down, etc. I know the tv boards are not worth sending anymore but I sure thought the rest of my boards would bring more. What am I doing wrong, should I be pulling something off boards other than metals/plastics/wire?? I have read so many posts here which was, and still is, VERY helpful on breaking things down but I just don't understand where I went wrong. I also scrap copper/brass on the side which seems a lot more profitable for me.....but, I LOVE tearing things apart and seeing what goodies are inside.....some say I am HAMMER HAPPY. LOL Although what I thought was goodies seems to have been just crap. Obviously I have a lot more to learn about e-scrap which is why I am turning to you for help on this. I'm not a quitter so I am determined to learn this part of scrapping...should I be pulling all the little black doo-hickey thingys (eproms and ic chips I think) off of boards separately, there were a lot of those on the boards. Also, is there only specific boards that are worth sending, already know tv boards are not worth it. Any guidance is appreciated. Don't want to work my *** off for .06 cents again. I read, read, and re-read posts here daily so perhaps my brain is not comprehending what the hell I've read about. Thanks for letting me vent
First, let me ask this. Who did you send the material to? I would assume ewasted, since you posted in this thread, but if I recall correctly, there is another outfit with a similar sounding name that is nothing but a con job. And with the price you posted, I wonder if that's what happened.
Or the majority of your load was low grade.
gold has been going down and shipping going up as well as all other things needed to scrap e waste. tools, fuel ect.
for example a low end dell work station or hospital computer is now worth about $8 totaly scrapped out as apposed to about $12 a year or so ago. This BS that the inflation rate (cost of doing business or living) is at one percent or lower is just that total B.S.. just look at the cost of food utilities. fuel and other esentials that were dropped from the inflation index a couple of years ago.
Our gross inventory here at EcoSafe has risen dramaticly over the past year, but, because of inflation our bottom line is still about the same or even less if we dont watch our Ps and Qs. Un fortunately I have just never been a Ps and Qs kind of guy so it is a difficult learning process for me.
Just today we got in about 700 to 800 lbsand I will spend the day tomarrow shopping shippers, it has come to the point where a penney or two a pound is significant in the bottom line.
I also tend to give the customer the benifit of doubt on pricing unfamiliar boards. for fear of losing the customer, another habit I'm trying hard to break. If you are in danger of losing money on the deal then loosing the customer can sometimes be the right thing to do.
To chase down a scrap computer or even 2 or 3 paying $5 ea. for them then going to get them in todays market is a loosing proposition. many only realize that after 6 month or so of hard work only to realize their bank account is empty
and they are borrowing the mortgage or car payment to buy inventory. (been there done that). MCW Just sayin.
An if you did use Mario an Co. you should be able to log in an see your statement from them, an see where you went wrong, as you put it. I'ma have to agree with Idaho here, you sure you sent it to this group? Cause those other guys do have a similar name, an do crappy stuff like that. In 52 pages of reviews an some time on this forum, I've never herd a bad word about Mario an Co other then the occasional slow down, or a check lost in the mail.
Folks would be on here ranting if this was something normal. I'm thinking we need some more of the story here.
Unless you sent 65lbs of low grade, I don't see how you got that little back. Give us a bit more detail if you can...like..is this the company you sent to? what was the address? Do you have a phone number? Have you called them? If it was this company did you log into your account to see your statement? Did you email them? If you did send or call what did they say? What did your statement show?
Help us help you. :)
Good luck an hope it's all a mistake, or you used the wrong company. If the wrong company, you just learned a valuable lesson. Costly one, but we've all made a booboo.
Sirscrapalot - Just fact's ma'm, just the facts. - Joe Friday of Dragnet fame..I think.
No I sent to correct company, I am assuming I just sent majority of low grade. I have read nothing but good things about this company so I don't want to say anything bad until I figure out all the specifics. Yes I promptly replied back to their notification email asking for a little more detail and that there must be a mistake, but was emailed back by customer service that they were considered mostly low grade. I am going to call them tomorrow to go over my report and listed items to verify everything. Since this was my first shipment I guess it is a lesson learned. At least 6 boards were out of TV's and I know these are worthless to ship, lessen learned. Just thought I had enough of the other types of boards, cards, cpu's, etc. that it would have paid me more.
Order was doomed from the start....first my dog heist his leg and pee'd on the box so I had to unpack and find another big box, then FedEx lost the shipment within first 24 hours, then I find out I was getting .06 cents via paypal.......should of listened to my dogs que. LOL
Anyway I DO NOT want to imply that this company did anything wrong nor am I bashing them whatsoever, like I said it is a learning experience for me. I have read ALL 52 pages and know this is not "the norm" for them so I have to believe it was just low grade boards.
I would like to know basically if the only boards I should send are from computers and just pull eproms and ic chips off of other types of boards? I have another order about ready to ship so hopefully I will do a little better since this load is a majority of older computer, HD, server, and laptop boards. Am I correct in that the only boards worth shipping are green on both sides? I guess there are a variety of colored boards so probably anything other than brown, correct? I do have two boards that are gold on both sides....don't have a clue what they are out of but they sure are pretty colored, hopefully true gold plating. Haven't taken the heatsink off yet to see what kind of goody is hidden. Don't think I am able to post pics yet but I would like to know what it is from.
Electronics Recycling - Scrap Metal Forum
You have a lot of questions which can be answered if you read this section, especially the stickies at the top. Sorry about the payout, but I can't see Mario and company sending you a payment of 6 cents without at least trying to contact you to discuss what you sent them.
Sounds like you sent it to the place Mechanic referenced, if it is you are luck you got .06 out of them.
Someone did not do any reading up on what all to ship to buyers. Get a good idea on what is what, whats $ and whats not. My smallest shipment was $41. after 13. shipping. That was 48 lb of med grade
Cash for Computer Scrap is the one we use! Not the other one Cash for Electronic Scrap! If you did send it to that other company call and complain about your prices and they usually will pay you a little more. If it was from Ewasteds company as stated you should have a print out of all items weight and value...
How long do the checks normally take to arrive?
I use paypal, but I want to say 1 to 2 weeks. I imagine that depends on where you live, how busy they are, etc.
Sirscrapalot - Fan of Ewasted an co.
My check got here in less than a week, Short answer to your main question in my opinion you want green computer mother boards, Hard drive boards, and the big boards out of the cd rom player from the computer. :) for boards if its brown leave it down..JM$.02 :)
I have took a couple thousand dollar loads more than once with to Mario in person more than once when the tide was in. Any discrepancies or product not scaled and inventoried was always fixed even if I realized it 48 hours later. No snowballs chance in hell Mario burned you like this, UNLESS u sent all low grade. And I doubt....you description was about 8 lbs low grade,,,rest at least $1.00 or more per lb. I have Marios phone number, but not sure if Im aloowed to give it, so I wont. Its his personal cell, BUT, I would email him and figure out if I were you. But I SERIOUSLY think you sent to the scammers as others mentioned.
email his info@cashforcomputerscrap.com
Sorry for the double post, i forgot, you do want to send in the other colored mother boards just know they bring less than the green ones. Remember to remove the cpu and heat sinks from the boards. And remember that right now the prices are a little depressed due to the dipping value of precious metals so know that going in for right now.. Hope this helps, keep your chin up and get after it! :)
is the prices still the same? I was thinking about making a trip up from pittsburgh with some stuff. :)
Just sent a box in today. Already impressed with the fast response to my email.
Yup, I'm new! BUT I am looking to put together a load to take out there. I'm in NE PA and am looking for anyone that might be interested in teaming up to fill a 26 footer and drive it out there, or anyone that has say a pallet and would like to get it on a truck to be delivered out there. Basically looking for people who would like to share expenses, maybe the drive, etc. Contact me if you're interested and or on the way, looking to do this in the next 3-6 weeks.