ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL TESTIMONIAL.... mailed on friday sorted n paid today. top notch customer service too!
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ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL TESTIMONIAL.... mailed on friday sorted n paid today. top notch customer service too!
Whats the normal responds time to emails and PM's? Sent both 2 days ago, and no responds
If possible can you please remove the tags this thread has that do not pertain to the items they buy... For example one of there tags is "batteries" which they do not buy... So when I click on battery tab on top looking for a battery buyer and click this one, this page pops up and they do not buy batteries. This can be misleading to some and ruins the point of those tabs.
Contact ewasted: he buys batteries: they are just not on his price sheet
Any word on how the move is going.....???
Mario told me they should be able to receive shipments by mid to end of this week.
Just heard from Mario. He will be doing labels tonight, from home. TWC was suppose to show up, and wellllllll being a Time Warner customer myself, I know how that (doesn't) goes.
Also said they are pushing to be fully operational by Wednesday.
Wishing them well and looking forward to good things!!! +++Bro
I hope so I have boxes waiting to be processed and boxes piled up full of material here at the house Ready to GO.............I know this is a stressful time when trying to move all this stuff.........Hope all goes well and we get back to biz as usual!!!
My Gaylords are getting anxious !
D'oh ! Wish i hadn't put in a label request this A.M. Mario has enough to do with getting everything moved over to the new location.
My stuff can wait ..............
LOL we need to just load him UP with material! Needs to cover all them moving costs, ya know. ;)
In that case .... let's do all we can to help him out ! :)
Sent you a PM yesterday, as well as emailed through your website. It's now been 6 days since you mailed my check, and it wasn't in today's mail. And you or anyone from your company has not provided me with an explanation or any assurance that I will get paid. There are people waiting on this money. I need an explanation.
I am actually in the same boat and trying to be patient.........I have multiple boxes waiting to be processed and more en route plus more piled up here.........Patience is not one of my better virtues....LOL..........Perhaps a brief explanation of whats going on would ease our minds...........Not really worried about geting paid as I have dealt with Ewasted for a couple of years just frustrated as the material piles up and no green backs coming in...........Thanks MIKE
We have no internet service at the new facility. It also took a while to track down our external hard drive which contains most of our information on lots.
The warehouse had virtually no lighting - had to upgrade them. Most outlets didn't work - repairs.
We ran into some delays during our move and some of our assets are being held hostage by our previous landlord. All of our scale cables were left behind - going to get them today.
Most of the employees who were with us before the move are no longer with the company (we have rehired).
The building had significant damage to it from sitting empty - repairs were necessary.
>>> Internet is going to be installed today - just need to find the router (one of my top 3 priorities today)
I will have our crew in Saturday as I am hoping we will get most of the parcel from last week (if not all) complete and paid out by Monday.
Please see my response to Mikeinreco.
I would also like to apologize for the delay in communication. I was advised we would have internet connected this past Monday. I had tethered my cellphone and I went WAY over on my data.
Expect business as usual starting next Monday.
The new location still in ohio Thinking about shipping costs.
Got check today..........Ewasted has contacted me as you see in his posts lots of issues in the move...............THANKS and look forward to continued BIZ