Did they go up?
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Did they go up?
What happened to the pricing category for printer, cable/satellite TV boards as well as LCD TV boards (logic & power boards) ?
That pricing is the same as trimmed/devalued finger cards.
Thank you ryanw, I like how users familiar in dealing with Ewasted can help save him the time of answering questions and I hope the same can be said for the following. I have sold to him before and was happy and have a large lot to send out to him again!
EDIT: I removed the photos/questions
You would probably be better off emailing him these pics and questions directly. If I remember correctly, he prefers that instead of bogging down this thread with photos...
Sent about 387 lbs of boards. Processed quickly and payment made. Great prices. Love doing business with the crew at CFCS! Another load coming soon
do you buy vga cables and that same types of wire
Yea he does, I usually bring him 50 pounds of mixed wire every trip if not double. I always cut my gold ends off though depends how much time you want to spend
Sent a large load (for me). My low grade very nearly paid for shipping! Very happy with payout and almost have another load ready! My storage unit is packed to the brim eight gaylords deep so I gotta get on this.
I have just had 2 great shipments in the last month, both were worry and hassle free. Keep up the GREAT work!!!!!!!
I sent in a box as well and was very happy with the outcome, numbers matched what I quoted the box to be personally. So highly recommended (again) lol
I was a skeptic, I guess Indiana just like's Mario and his hardworking crew. Everyone is polite,knowledgeable,and just simply do what they gotta do. U Know THEY Were Busy As hell, But All Seemed Happy To do. Mario is well spoken,easy to understand, and I know it hurt a little,but he stopped what he was doing, and answered every stupid question I threw at him. And did it with much grace,lol! I drove there alone, was half asleep, and got what I had to have before doing business, a simple handshake. It will not be easy to take my business away from CSC! Everyone better bring it that is in his industry. He raises the bar. Quit hating if you don't know better. Csc is actually allowing us to receive a return on our sweat. That's priceless.
Yay! Got mine in before the price dropped this time!
Gotta love that crystal ball. ;)
Flawless transaction, as always. Thanks team Mario!
Mario, I think your inbox is full, tried to message you and it won't go through.
ouch. was sending mine last week. plans changed till months end. there goes my bonus. back on the hord schedual
i have about 20kgs of clean cellphone boards
i wonder if its worth it trying to sell to any of the buyers in the US instead of selling it here in South Africa cos the buyers on the forum pay more but theres the shipping cost
i also have this:
a small box thats crammed with assorted CPUs and a packet of gold RAM