See! And I thought I was overdoing it by taking them off when I sent my first shipment!
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Did my first deal with Ewasted. Super smooth. No buyers here in Montana so it was great to find him through this site. Thanks
It took me forever to finally break it down and get it packed in boxes, mostly due to my own laziness, but my first load made it to the FedEx drop-off point today. Two boxes totalling about 150 lbs. of material. I hope I have it all prepared, packaged, and secured to make it worthwhile for both me and Ewasted. So far my experience with Ewasted and his staff has been awesome. I did use his prepaid shipping service, and it saved me about 30%. His staff even gave me some pointers on how I can save another 15% if I package it differently next time.
I will follow up in this thread for any onlookers who are interested in a review from someone who has only been doing this for a few weeks. I am pretty much a newb at this and this will be my first load of e-waste sold to anyone. There are a couple of local buyers, but Ewasted's prices are better, even after I deduct the shipping costs. Fingers crossed for a good payday. :)
I had sent my first box to ewasted 65# of MoBo's, Hard Drive Boards, Memory, and CPUs. Expected $408 ish got $433. That is the kinda supprise I like! All happened in a week (selected check option). For shipping I used UPS since I have an account with them. Was $43 to send, but they ended up charging an extra $11 saying wrong address plus $4 something saying it is residential. So I will probably try Ewasted shipping next time too.
I have 145 lbs to ship to ewasted. Would it be cheaper as 1, 2, or 3 boxes? I'm going to get shipping labels from ewasted. Thanks.
I read the tips from Recyclotrops and was wondering if anyone had confirmed that with a shipment. I'll try it out and let you guys know what the cost was. Thanks all.
I just completed a transaction with E-Wasted. Sold 41 lbs of stuff and got 101.70 after shipping. I used his pre-paid shipping labels which made it really easy. He sorted, processed and cut a check all within about a day, Couldn't have been easier. I highly recommend this buyer.
I would guess three boxes for that load. It sounds similar to mine. I was informed that FedEx charges an oversized load fee if the box weighs more than 65 lbs. So, keep each one under 65 lbs. Also, you can always check with his staff when you register your shipment. They will help you choose the most affordable shipping method.
(confetti, fireworks, parade, banners, sparklers and various other load noises and bright lights) :cool:
Another round of applause for "E" and the staff at C4CS.
To those that have NOT shipped anything to Ewasted yet...START PACKING IT UP NOW!!
I will share for those that have asked questions about the shipping, or are new to the site and looking for a GOOD buyer to work with.
1)If you want to deal with people you can trust to grade your shipment right, Ewasted and his staff exceed my expectations in fairness! BUT, if you want a good buyer, be a good seller! ie, remove all the batteries and excess metal. (while E has said in regards to the bracket on the finger cards, that it is "ok to leave for now" I remove them all. he is paying me for boards not shred material)
2)Try to keep the shipping weight right at 65-68 lbs. For me to ship cartons that are 75+ is about 34.50. it is 23.00 under 70. (from Cincy)
3)I fill the areas on the side and between MOBO's with side cards and other material that will be easy to sort when the box is open. All the small stuff ie, eproms, chips, ram, etc i put into baggies. (ok, E...sorry bout all that last min cra* i tossed on top) :p
4) BE PATIENT after you ship your material off. The turn around time is exceptional. I have been up there and it is a busy place. If it seems like it is taking a little time...GOOD! they are taking their time to grade things well which benefits us all! If they took a shovel to get through YOUR box quicker...that would be fine with me, if they are then hand sorting all of mine! HA
5)on payment. there is certainly an advantage at times to have it sent via Paypal but then add that fee to the shipping and it is less in the pocket. I have it sent to PP but then use it for purchases and gain the fees back through the spending. If you can wait for the check, do it. If you need it now, PP is the way to go, but try and avoid taking it all out as cash so to max profit.
that is my 2.
Blessings to all! BroJer
oh yea...hey E...Wiggly says hi :)
Following up with the shipment that I sent last week. The check arrived today, exactly one week after I shipped the material. Actually, a bit less than a week, since I didn't drop it off until late afternoon last Friday and the check arrived this morning (the following Friday). Overall I have zero complaints. The staff was awesome, the online chat on Ewasted's site was helpful, the prepaid shipping labels saved me a few bucks, and the prices were either as expected or better than expected. Between FedEx and Ewasted, I always knew where my material was and what stage of processing it was in, and before you know it, I was notified that a check was on it's way. I hope it was as good for Ewasted as it was for me. :)
I'd love to sit here and praise Cash for Computer Scrap all day long, but I have a check I need to go cash and it is the weekend in an East Coast beach town. I can't sit here at my computer all day or I would miss all the fun.
has any one had trouble getting a lot id # today ive tryed three or four times and all i get is the little thingee going round,round round,,,,,,,,,,,,. is it on this end or is his end full.
i see gold has gone up this week, when do prices change? holding right now and i just see pressure of gold to move higher.
Pricing updated... hopefully the upward momentum continues... or atleast flat lines.
Dude your awesome. But with the printing presses full tilt to save Europe how can gold not go up in the short? Ill say I'm not a gold bug but right now I'm long on gold. Ill be emailing some pictures to you of some mystery board pretty soon. Thanks ryan