I needed to take a minute and add to this thread please take a second to continue reading.
This forum is growing rapidly, as it has been since we started. We're always getting more traffic, more members, more threads, more posts, and overall more activity each day as time goes on. With hundreds of posts and messages created and sent each and everyday in dozens of different threads in the many sections of the forum, it's near impossible for any of us (admins or mods) to be aware of and look into everything that may need to be addressed as it happens.
We are a community driven board, knowledge is shared, relationships are built, money is made, even smiles, laughs and shortcomings are often shared amongst everyone. Along with all that, all the members who use this site (free of charge, which is getting quite pricey to run I might add), have to do their part as well in HELPING US make this place enjoyable and as positive as possible for everybody. In order to continue to grow and maintain the community we have, we need your help, it's a group effort.
You all have to utilize all of the features we make available to you, that help you help us make this a better place. There's a 'report' button under every single post on this forum, and on every single private message you'll ever send or receive. If you don't use this button, we won't be aware of half the situations we seem to see mentioned all too often.
There was just talk on the forum about a few people 'pushing another members buttons' and/or 'instigating' arguments a few times, I found it odd that not ONE of the posts instigating the other member was reported (not going to get into details). Just stating that fact to make you aware that you guys have more of an opportunity to help us address or keep an eye on any issues that arise than you realize.
We've even got a dedicated support desk you can get to via the 'SUPPORT' link top, front and center on every page of the site you can use to privately and individually inquire about any potential issues.
We've got three great moderators that have sacrificed their own time and energy helping make this forum what it is today, Mick, Mechanic and Parrothead have been a huge help as have the members who help us make the site better by reporting posts, making us aware of things we may not have realized, and sending us site feedback via the 'contact us' link at the very bottom of every page on the forum.
Big thank you to mick, mechanic and parrothead specifically for all that they do.
This is YOUR forum, help us make it what it should be. We've got alot of members and alot of activity, please understand it's impossible for us to maintain it to the best of our abilities without your help.