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Thermal Spray Wire - Forms and Application

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  1. #1
    heanjiametals started this thread.
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    Thermal Spray Wire - Forms and Application

    About Thermal Spray Wire

    Thermal Spray Wire which is also known as arc spray wire or metalizing wire, keeps a great importance while electric wire spraying and flame wire spraying processes.


    1. Main use of Thermal Spray wire are marine and offshore applications. such as offshore wind turbines.
    2. 2nd important use of Thermal Spray Wire is in onsite galvanising
    3. Engineering Coating
    4. Boilers and Digesters

    So these are the major features and applications of Thermal Spray Wire, If you want to learn more, pls stay tuned we will keep coming with more interesting topics about thermal spray wire.

  2. #2
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    I will look into this in the prevention of Cavatation in Hydro power turbines.

    Its a fun and very specific job, very dirty, cold and dark, noisy, fumey, cramped and you get burnt a lot, in many out if the way places, in, do the job in a week of 14 hrs days, out.
    Every days exactly the same, groundhog day....

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