Originally Posted by
It's probably not worth the effort...
Yes although I would probably agree with you on most of them, I sorta formed my
scrap metal business based upon everyone else's conclusion of the same. Pretty much everything I get is because someone else had already declared something not worth the effort to deal with. I take that and run with it. Whether it be the stove I just pulled out of a dumpster to the truck someone drove into the woods to die 30 years ago to the copper I pulled out of someones trash can everything I get is because someone somewhere said something isn't worth it. I step up and say challenge accepted and somehow make it worth it. I may not always be making hella bucks like them big site excavation bosses but somehow even with prices that may not be what they were I still seem to make more money picking up discarded metal than I do working for places.
Not trying to sound mean or angry or anything. I just get really passionate about picking things up that others say isn't worth the effort. Thats how it all started for me and that's what keeps me going pretty much.
Although I will agree, I'm sure at least 50% of the slag rocks I found are not going to make me anything even if I do get the equipment to move them.
as for the guy that said try to break them up and see what they look like, I hit one with the splitting maul a dozen times and got nowhere fast. the steel parts seem to be pretty much solid steel and the concrete looking parts break off when I do manage to strike them. I'm pretty sure the rail cars would dump them straight into a river so maybe that had something to do with the way they formed more like steel than when they get dumped on sand down a hill in open air? If i didn't sell my tractor these things would be gone already.