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PCB Identification

| Scrap Metal Identification
  1. #1
    Reelman65 started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    PCB Identification

    I have recently acquired some different PCBs and wanted to arm myself with knowledge to avoid getting bested at the recycle center. What are the generalities? I know brown is always low grade, but if green, is more populated better? are there other ways to tell if Med or high? Below are pictures. I have numbered each pic to facilitate the references in replies.


  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    I am a computer recycling yard so this is how we would grade them.

    pcb11 = low
    pcb10 = high
    pcb9 = low
    pcb8 = high
    pcb7 = high
    pcb6 = low
    pcb5 = low
    pcb4 = its on the line of low/high..I will take it as high as long as there not a ton of them in the box.
    pcb3 = low
    pcb2 = low
    pcb1 = high

    Simple to grade when you know what you are looking for. Hope this helps clear things up. Know that I will be more than happy to buy your motherboards at the going rate (the going rate can be down on my website)

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