Alum Sheet - clean .45...13.49
Alum Sheet -dirty .15...2.55
Alum extrusion .67...22.11 (mostly heat sinks)
Alum cans .55...5.50
Stainless .50... .50 (it was laying in the truck) ;-)
Yellow Brass 1.85...16.65
motor .15...17.55 (mostly fans from pc's)
#2 insulated 50% 1.10...86.90
#2 insulated 35% .40...11.20
#2 insulated(special) .50...13.50 (set price for all my ribbon cable)
#1 copper 2.60...109.20
#2 copper 2.45...7.35
light steel 2.05...83.00 (was 2.45 3 weeks ago)
car batteries 7.75...31.00
total = 420.5 (atm rounds up so 421.00)
and the bonus
(they gave me a large stash of green/brown boards that needed to disappear)
extra bonus
18 yr old son went on the ferrous run. 14 yr old daughter likes doing the non-ferrous...time with both...PRICELESS