Kochy, At my yard it is Unprepared and Prepared. 170 and 200
Unprepared: Is typicaly white goods like washers, dryer, screws, pole barn sheet metal etc.
Prepared: thick steel like fence posts, just really the thick stuff
Hope this helps, WMSTR
Kochy, At my yard it is Unprepared and Prepared. 170 and 200
Unprepared: Is typicaly white goods like washers, dryer, screws, pole barn sheet metal etc.
Prepared: thick steel like fence posts, just really the thick stuff
Hope this helps, WMSTR
God is great, scrap is good, and people are crazy
Its better to be scrapping and thinking of God than sitting in church thinking of scrapping
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Items such as white goods like washers, dryer, refrigerators, furnaces, pole barn sheet metal, duct work, car parts (doors, fenders), garage doors, to name a few are normally considered tin, shred or sheet iron. (Seems different parts of the country and different yards call it different things)
Unprepared Steel is steel that is at least 1/8 inches in thickness and is longer than three feet in length.
Prepared Steel is steel that is at least 1/8 inches in thickness and is "shorter" than three feet by 18 inches in length.
"Tin" like Mick is talking about is used to coat steel for rust resistance. This is called galvanizing. The galvanizing process usually leaves a distinct pattern on the surface. This steel bucket pictured below was galvanized.
What prices are some of you seeing for brake drum/rotors and old house steam radiators?
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dont scrap old house steam radiators people buy them check cl b4 you do or ebay ...
Kochy...I reiterate this a few times a month, but here is a link to the ISRI specs (industry wide specs that EVERY (legitimate) yard uses):
This is the scrappers bible. Use it to sort your material to spec and maximize prices. Iron, steel, tin, shred, cut grades...these are just loosely, and often colloquial, used terms that vary from yard to yard.
I pulled 3 gas steam radiators from a house one month ago. I took pictures and posted on CL, but haven't had any calls yet? Thinking about calling some Architectural Salvage Yards if I don't get any calls by next week.
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looks like they are changing there site. Scrap Recycling Industry
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This one works...Scrap Specifications Circular
Scrap is up #1 unprepared is 330.00 net ton
Cars are 245 net ton
rims .76 lb
The steel here is piled up to a giant pile . Scrap always is lower in summer I have been told because the mills close in PA . Im not sure but thats what I have been told
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