Hi all about a week a go i took some stuff into the yard and netted myself $430.30 this is the largest amount i have made from scrapping so far
but i noticed on the receipt that aluminium and copper no 2 have dropped quiet a fair bit, this is how the receipt looks.
25 DOM AL $0.90
#1 $22.50
4 AL CANS $0.70
#1 $2.80
50 COPPER $6.00
#1 $300.00
14 BRASS $3.00
#1 $42.00
14 DOM $4.50
#1 COPPER $63.00
TOTAL $430.00
CASH $430.00
Aluminium was $1.10 a kilo a few months back, then it dropped to $1.00 a kilo then down 0.90 cents a kilo where it is now
and also no 2 copper has dropped down from $5.00 a kilo to $4.50 a kilo, from what i can gather the only things that have stayed
the same is brass and copper no 1 the prices thankfully have not changed.
So i was just was wondering what is causing this sudden drop in price? I am very curious to learn the reason behind the sudden
drop in prices. I thought at first maybe it was because of the carbon tax in Australia, is it because of lower demand and if so what
is behind this lower demand? And also is this happening elsewhere in the world and not just Australia?
I am very curious to learn the reasons, and i have searched all over google for the answer to no avail i hope the prices go back up
again real soon.
I hope someone can provide some answers here to my questions.
Cheers take care all thecritta