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  1. #1
    djoutahere started this thread.
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    Current World Market Steel Prices - Where to find ?

    Ok this should be easy as cake using google but but I cannot find world market prices for steel (scrap or otherwise) in chart form.

    I have 40 tons of car bodies here and my crusher is telling me that steel prices have plummeted in the last week so he will be paying 15% less than last week and I have a hard time believing this.

    Anyone know where I can get live(or daily at least) world steel market charts ?

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djoutahere View Post
    Ok this should be easy as cake using google but but I cannot find world market prices for steel (scrap or otherwise) in chart form.

    I have 40 tons of car bodies here and my crusher is telling me that steel prices have plummeted in the last week so he will be paying 15% less than last week and I have a hard time believing this.

    Anyone know where I can get live(or daily at least) world steel market charts ?
    Here's the first one I found by Google, they have a couple of different ones. 6mo.-1 year-3 year. - Free Steel / Scrap Iron Price Charts
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  3. #3
    HLH&R Metals Recycling's Avatar
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    Thanked 98 Times in 32 Posts and American metal market are your best bet. Subscriptions aren't cheap, but the info is worth it if you have the demand.

    With regard to the 15% drop in prices, your buyer is telling the truth. That was the drop. North Texas pricing is generally fixed between the 4th and 8th of the month when the local mills make there monthly scrap purchases.
    HLH&R Metals Recycling
    Twitter: @hlhrmetals

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