Quote Originally Posted by Gravitar View Post
Depends how you look at it. If ResourcefulRecycling processes plastic (Pelletizes it, I think that's a word) then it would be. If he ships it somewhere, I don't see how it would be. I don't see how because he still has to pay for employees, trucks, and shipping and you can't do that on ten cents a pound. Please elaborate on this jghilino.
Because i can go anywhere and get plastic for free, i cant go anywhere and get metal for free its called stealing. If plastic is the same price as shred and you get it for free your gonna make money. Thats assuming you can compact it enough to make it worth it. Id say just bale it and wait till you have a semi load to sell it. How is this not the same than mixed steel if you exclude the density issue? it all has to be sorted and processed and resold reguardless