I know who you're talking about MER, saw the Wichita Business Journal writeup

They were the same as the place I usually go on #2 copper (which is what I was unloading the day I called them) so didn't check other stuff. I thought they might be paying higher, at least for awhile, after they opened to the public. I'll have to check with them on some other stuff when I get a load. I just hate trying out new spots. When I called about the #2 copper, the lady said, "well if the buyer grades it as #2, then the price will be $..." I know what I have, I don't need the caveat! I'm sure if there is a disagreement, then they will let me know why, and I'll either decide to sell it or try someone else. Plus it costs me $3.50 to drive there vs about $1 for my normal stop. Thanks for the heads up on them!