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These battery prices low?

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  1. #1
    Bryson is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    These battery prices low?

    I called my local yard and they said they buy car batteries at 8 cents a pound. From what ive read on here thats kinda low right? I dont really know of any place in the south central texas area to buy them, just wondering if this low of a price was normal at the moment since ive heard prices flucuate daily on scrap. And if anyone could reccomend a place to sell to. Thanks

  2. #2
    savage85's Avatar
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    These battery prices low?

    That's awful, I'm getting. 35 here. It sounds like your in a small town, where is the nearest big city? A scrap yard in a big city will give you much better prices .

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    Bryson is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Bout an hour from both san antonio and austin. Only thing is i only have 5 batteries, wouldnt really be worth the trip now i guess.

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryson View Post
    Bout an hour from both san antonio and austin. Only thing is i only have 5 batteries, wouldnt really be worth the trip now i guess.
    Save em up til you have 2 dozen or so and it'll be worth the trip ! I have to drive bout an hour to get decent money out of my mine so I just stockpile til I have at least 1000# or so.
    Alvord iron and salvage
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  6. #5
    lousypirate's Avatar
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    i typically get .25

  7. #6
    dshrader is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    These battery prices low?

    Does anyone know if there is anything I can do with alkaline batteries? Is there a buyer for them?

  8. #7
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    I get $10.00 a Battery and that is with the guy coming to me and picking them up

    South of Boston Ma area

  9. #8
    Focker is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    save up about 300 of them and i will come get them for 0.10 per pound lol.

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  11. #9
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    You should get .25 or better. NO LESS THAN .20

    Talk to some mechanics, a lot of areas have core buyers that pick up from garages and pay decent.

    MattInTheHatt ~ would have trouble sitting down after selling car batteries for .08

  12. #10
    mseashell is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Defentally check around. I have a core buyer that gives me 9 for lawnmower and small car batt. He pays 12 for batt. Over 38 lbs. Marine battries are 15. Best part, he comes to me....

  13. #11
    Mick's Avatar
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    That's ridiculous. I've never, in the ten years I've been buying batteries, heard ANYONE paying that low. At the lowest, I paid half again that and I'd sell to any scrap yard for a profit.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  14. #12
    ScrappinRed's Avatar
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    In San Antonio it's not uncommon for them to be 12-16 cents per #. BEST I've seen lately was 20 cents. Just a crappy market around here. There was a guy paying 10 bucks per battery a while back, but you had to have more than 10 and meet him waaaay down on the southside. Too far for me to make it profitable.
    ~You have to start somewhere to get anywhere~

  15. #13
    mseashell is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    There is a guy that runs adds in the local paper around here for buying (or so he says) junk and what not. He don't want to give more than 50-75 dollars for a car and then part it out, or fix it and scrap it whatever. But he gives 20 cents/lb for battries (or at least what I have heard). He then sells to same guy I do. This guy is one that wants everything give to him. I once contacted him regarding his escrap ad. He told me he gives 0.05 cents for low grade boards, and .12 cents for any other board(all green and colored including motherboard and slot card, finger boards etc. My point is he is a rip off, and he still gives more than what op was saying he was offered. That is rediculas. Search around u gotta get a better price than that.

  16. #14
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dshrader View Post
    Does anyone know if there is anything I can do with alkaline batteries? Is there a buyer for them?
    Check with your local landfill and see if they have a recycling center, they might take them off your hands. Nobody buys them as far as I know.

  17. #15
    sledge's Avatar
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    Holy CRAP.. .08 cents? That is robbery without a gun.. I get .38 on a low period and .42/lb on the high side. Keep shopping mate! I'd rather sit on em than give em to them for .08/lb!
    Start looking around for "CORE BUYERS" in your area.. not scrap yards. You'll never get what you do from a Core buyer at a scrap yard!
    Last edited by sledge; 01-13-2014 at 05:44 PM.
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

  18. #16
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Its a double edged sword living in a city. You get great pricing and dont have to go far to sell, but you have a lot more competition... I guess it evens out In the end.
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
    Barrie, Ontario.

  19. #17
    sawmilleng is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Hopefully Stillwater Recycling will chime in....He has to know this market up, down, and backwards since he is supposed to be handling millions of lbs a year of the things...!


  20. #18
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    Jon, I am the battery king. Id to think so. You sound like many of my friends, howfar you really from Leominster. lol.=

    Id tell you all the secrets but Ill stick to loads. Yes you sell them in truck loads like every other high end seller would. Direct to a smelter,theres a few on East coast and Right below Montreal.

    Its like any load. 43k 18 pallets and you guys getting .25 thats my door price. Guy doing .35 you just go that price today or you sell 8k lbs a day or more cus your buyer who is slamming out 40 t0 80 a week to get a price above .40 Thats the scrap end. Yes you guys pulling a quater a pound are getting over 10 a batt. 36 pound average. Cost a seller for pallets times 18 four carboard. at 3 bucks each per pallet thats 12 bucks and lots of thick wrap.

    I use to sell direct and some months pull a 250,ooo lbs. Then weeks that I dont buy any. Since I got sick a few years ago my volume is ****ty for me. But most guys would be too weak to move this many a day. Come try it.

    Drive a truck load 4 pallets by and stack and remove then go through them again then weight wrap and go drop. Why am I dropping Im capital short. Its been a tough two years for volume and $ Keeping it together though.

    After doing 1200 batts you moved three times im luck to make what a walmart guy or gal does. LOL but many people eat off that. Batteries is heavy lifting volume and lucky now to make .05 Some one come to my shop and fund my load so I dont have to do all this work to sell each day just to flip money. Im doing truck load volume now just sell ltl.

    Im free to say this even though it took me years to learn. It all out there now. Look at scrap monster. Cool you can see the LME and just take thrity something percent off it.

    I know a way to make money in batts that you get paid 2 dollars a pound and have done it easy. All about having the $$.

    I love batteries.

    Starting to love electronics. That is paying the bills to. You can do my volume with a 33k gvw trucka nd out a warehouse but never sell truck load. And save all your money instead of overhead. etc. etc. I made more in an toyota pick up paying 3 bucks a batt. Now thats my high margin as scrap. lol.

    If you love batteries and in new England come call and see me. More than we all can buy. Every car and electronic device that needs current for more than a few minutes needs lead. 100 year old tech and still the best and same. Above ground supply a batt is equal to 12,000 lbs of ore. I was told by a person in the know. Interesting. So getting them back is wicked important. Think 25 dollar core is what interstate or jci thinks a batt is worth. Thats it to them but us scrappers it 13 to 15 most. I remember a dollar or take it.

    Aaron. Oh I learned it all from others. Im dropped out hs. You guys are smarter than me. Just work and the country and Karma will bless you. Be jerk or screw around you get your ass kicked. I know. I made mistakes.
    Last edited by Mick; 01-14-2014 at 04:04 AM. Reason: deleted advertising

  21. #19
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    Look at my facebook page Stillwater Recycling. Ill update daily. Add to my frineds list or like. Too bad no hate button yet, huh that would be cool for fb to really let you know what people think. Not for me I mean. Unless you buy batts around me. I kidding I love you. Recycling is awesome.

  22. #20
    pcscrapper's Avatar
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    Yeah that price a bit low 8 cents per pound, I can get 29 cents per pound here, but thats because I bring in over a 1000lbs pound at a time. save em.
    Please Add Us On FaceBook, PC SCRAPPER Sioux Falls SD
    also our Prices are listed here
    PC Scrappers LLC
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