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metals report as I see them

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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    metals report as I see them

    read some reports this morning. Some look good and some not so good.

    The good is, the fed has run out of bullets to suppress the gold market. Apparently there will be no QE 5 as attention turns to possible bail out of insurance companies and the looming mega billion dollar student loan situation.

    Last year China curtailed its buying of metals except for gold because their growth dropped below 8%.

    However two things happened, 1. the growth stoped dropping and seems to have stuck at around 71/2% reestablishing a floor in their continued growth. 2. they have authorized and established a gold spot market where the Chinese citizens can now legally trade gold. (last year China bought 1/3 of all gold sold world wide because of the FED suppressed price. As the strength of the FED declines in the world currency market so fades their ability to artificially control commodity prices.

    The bad: Turkey, a huge player in the scrap steel market is still an un certain player in the forseeable future because of political uncertainty and military unrest around them.

    Both China and Japan will this year sell off some of their copper stock piles. just my .02 gleaned from market reports this week.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 01-23-2014 at 01:25 PM.
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    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    china i think will not be to much for selling copper or any other metals as if the situation should increase with japan they will want some extra stability if the u.s. were to back them but i do think japan will be selling off a huge amount of unneeded resources not inked for rebuilding so that they will have the money to support the efforts and to bankroll the defense of their resources that china still may take.
    yes the fed is losing a lot of currency power but still we are americans we will just bully our way through but student loans will not be the only thing. as obamacare speeds towards its dooming. creating part time jobs and people having to get 2 now maybe 3 just to make the same money and at the same time starting the phase of over taxing our healthcare system that is already not adequate enough before this, we will see a huge shift in currency value and were is the key but its not all going to be gold.
    i do see gold rising to about $1500 by late may and topping about late june early july at about $1550-1600 but not back to our real highs like we have seen before. still in 10ys gold will be over $2000 maybe 3k but its going to be other metal prices that will rise like steel of all things maybe not a lot this year but i look for a nice steady increase as we start aiming towards the sky will vigor as our cities cramp and swell.

  4. #3
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    I think Fukishima is a much bigger problem then Japan wants the world to know and it will take Japan out of the world economic picture. If we jump in to help them it may tae us out as well.

    China is moving rapidly to an American style economic structure similar to what we had shortly after ww2. We can not compete with countriews like China , India, Pakastan, and other like countries with the open style no regulation/cheep labor model we had during our rise to the top. Its history being repeated because we didn,t learn from it. my opinion.

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