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Eastern NC

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  1. #1
    dave started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Eastern NC

    #1bb copper -2.30/lb
    #3 ins wire -.35/lb
    Clean stainless -.32/lb
    clean brass - 1.20/lb
    batteries -.12/lb
    clean aluminum -.37/lb

    These have got to be just about the lowest numbers in the USA! LMAO!

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  3. #2
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    A sandbar off the atlantic..OBX,NC
    Thanked 8,766 Times in 3,844 Posts
    That's your part of Eastern NC.

    Mine is nowhere near as bad as yours.

    My crappy yard is similar to your steel prices, but my main one is higher.

    Alum is still .50lb
    wire .65 to 1.25lb

    An the rest are all still higher, but I can't find my price sheet from the icky yard on the sandbar. My other yard, I'd have to call, but I know their prices are higher then the one closer to me.

    Keep your low prices away from my sandbar!

    Sirscrapalot - As far east as you can get in NC.
    Last edited by Sirscrapalot; 02-17-2014 at 07:21 AM. Reason: Fixed spelling error

  4. #3
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    ames iowa
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    omg I don't know if I am glad or to sad to say this but I got you almost beat here in town but only in town 41miles away is were I take most stuff but here in iowa at local yard no names for being nice since I love the people who work there.

    steel $110ton prepared $130
    #1 copper no bb class at yard $1.90 #2 $1.80
    #1insulated $0.70 #2 0.55 the rest class as mixed all goes for $0.40 xmas 0.17
    stain and brass not sure of have not taken in this week
    ext alu $0.42 reg clean alu $0.30
    batteries are higher were still at $0.25lb
    motors if you mean electric is only $0.12lb trans 0.10
    they wont even buy power supplies unless at tin price not even trans price as they say there is not enough in them to buy them

    this is why I only take steel there unless over 1500lbs and only other things when its just picked up and need space for higher value items

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