This seams to be a topic that many Scrappers are in agreement with and I wanted to share this with you. Let me qualify my self that I am a former yard owner. So there are a few different types of yards that you can deal with its up to you to find the ones that work best for your business. The first ones I want to talk about are the large multi location yards, Some of you might think that because they are the largest they are the best to deal with well I do not. The second type of yard I would like to talk about are the small what are known as feeder yards, they basically sell every thing to a larger yard in a larger city and pay a lot less across the board for all materials but they are closer to you and easier to deal with. The third are yards that are medium to large in size are mostly owner operated, and are more aggressive to building a business and getting material. So to go back the multi large locations are corporate owned and the people that work there are basically following instructions and are told what to pay and really do not care if you sell them your goods or not. They have a place in the market share I might sell them my tin or shred, not much else. The smaller feeder type yards are the ones that you want to avoid if at all possible. The third and best type of yard in my opinion to deal with are the yards that like my old yard, are owner operated the owner is on site all the time. We always ( pre booked orders ) for materials. This's means that we would be committed to supplying a large amount of say electric motors, We would supply say three loads 120,000 lbs of motors for a set price regardless of the market changes. It was good for us knowing what we would be payed for that amount of weight and good for the end user knowing what he could count on for the amount of weight. Why I am mention that is that we were always trying to full those orders and say we needed 5,000 lbs of motors to fill a load or complete the order we could pay much much more than the current market prices and were aggressive in filling those orders, so using that as a example that's were you would like to sell your merchandise, we always pre booked aluminum rims, electric motors, UBC's,(used beverage cans) sealed units, and copper if we could, so my advise to you is to find that type of yard that has a person of authority who you can talk to directly, are aggressive and do appreciate your business, and use common sense in there business practice's. Happy Scraping 1956