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  1. #1
    bpatnoe started this thread.
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    Just thought I would share my prices I got today

    Sent in a small load today (Central NH). Needed to head to the area anyways and figured I would pack my car full (since gets good mileage).

    77 Lbs Extruded - $0.55 = $42.35
    94 Lbs Old Alum - $0.45 = $42.30 (mixed clean alum)
    21 Lbs Shop Wire - $0.80 = $16.80 (cords)
    13 Lbs Copper/Alum - #1.10 = $14.30
    115 Lbs Batteries - $0.25 = $28.75
    7 Lbs Brass - $1.55 = $10.85

    Total of $155.35
    Gas was around $14.00

    I know I could of got more $ if I went farther south but did not have time.

    I hate driving so far but local prices are terrible. I know one local scrapper just got $2.19/Lbs for #1 Copper at a local yard. He had about 300 pounds of it. Wish he told me because I could of given him more.

  2. The Following 2 Users say Thank You for This Post by bpatnoe:

  3. #2
    hunterandscrapper's Avatar
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    around here copper was 2.40 a lb for a while

  4. #3
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    $155/gt light iron
    and quoted .04/lb on 1 1/2 tons of cast iron.
    a little better here, but you said it best. Head South

    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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