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Discussion of Copper Wire- Auto Wiring Harness! - Page 2

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  1. #21
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rollyrogers33 View Post
    My yard only pays .25/lb for Xmas lights. I have about about 600 lbs of insulated wire that I have to sort. Then probably close to 100 lbs of 10 gauge which will be stripped this winter. Most yards in my area don't differ to much on price on insulated, but stripped is always better.
    I normally don't sell wire to my main yard, but sold my Xmas lights when they told me they would go in with the 30% wire. Top tier price was 60 cents a pound. As long as they consider it 30%, they'll get all my Xmas lights.

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  3. #22
    sledge started this thread.
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    Ok.. So take a look at this:
    Say- Before: PIC #1
    *EDIT- Ok Some Dude Changed the Pic I was connecting off Internet* GRRRR Wasn't Home to DL and Post from my own archives***

    and After: Pic #2

    What would your yard pay you as to GRADE and Price for PIC #2?
    Last edited by sledge; 10-02-2014 at 12:16 PM.
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

  4. #23
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    When you bend it and it bends back, then it is number 2.(1.05/pound) that stuff is number 2. If you bend it and it STAYS bent, usually solid core, that is number 1. (1.28/pound)
    This is how my main yard grades it.
    Now the concern is whether or not the connectors and loom come into play. Do you have any other options as to where you can sell it?

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  6. #24
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    Discussion of Copper Wire- Auto Wiring Harness!

    It is hard to tell from the pictures, but my yard would pay around 70 cents/lb with the outer insulation left on, and about 1.60 for the stuff in the bottom picture. Most yards would buy it as machine wire.

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  8. #25
    sledge started this thread.
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    So we all agree that this.. without a doubt.. is #2 Insulated Copper wire!

    The rat corporation that my core buyer sells too upstream- is buying this off of their suppliers as "Communication wire" Not sure the price the core buyer is getting from rat corporation.. but I'd get paid .40/lb- See the Bullwater here?

  9. #26
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    So we all agree that this.. without a doubt.. is #2 Insulated Copper wire!
    I would agree.
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  11. #27
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    So we all agree that this.. without a doubt.. is #2 Insulated Copper wire!

    The rat corporation that my core buyer sells too upstream- is buying this off of their suppliers as "Communication wire" Not sure the price the core buyer is getting from rat corporation.. but I'd get paid .40/lb- See the Bullwater here?
    Comm wire...? Is that stuff the super fine, multiclcolour telephone wire? Or like phone cables etc? Maybe you're yard thinks thats what this is cause its thin and cause of the multi colours? If thats the case Rat Corp probably wont say jack to correct them cause they'll be getting higher grade stuff at a low price.

    Just guessing here, its doubtful that your yard is that uneducated on wiring but iv seen stupider stuff...
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
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  13. #28
    sledge started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jord0690 View Post
    comm wire...? If thats the case rat corp probably wont say jack to correct them cause they'll be getting higher grade stuff at a low price.

  14. #29
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    Here is a definition from this site, not promoting it but just borrowing some info.
    #2 Insulated Copper Wire shall consist of miscellaneous, unalloyed copper wire. It is plastic insulated, includes heavy or double insulation, Wire smaller than 16 gauge is acceptable. Some corrosion or other coatings such as tin and nickel are also considered #2 insulated copper. If insulation were to be removed, it would look like #2 copper wire. #2 Insulated Copper Wire includes most telecommunication wire such as cat4, cat5, cat6 and phone wire without plugs. Another example are most 110 outlet cords and extension cords, have their ends off.
    Different Grades of Copper Scrap
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  16. #30
    rateds2k's Avatar
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    I mostly scrap cars and that is #2 all day long with no harnesses or tape. I find that it is worth it to strip it and get bare bright price. I pull about 100 lbs a week of those wires. I toss the harnesses in with the shred

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  18. #31
    sledge started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Here is a definition from this site, not promoting it but just borrowing some info.

    Different Grades of Copper Scrap
    Thanks Mechanic!! I think I will print this off and take it to my buyer the next trip.

    To Be Clear to All: I'm NOT mad at the Core Buyer. I am mad that Rat Corporation has convinced my Core Buyer that GAYLORDS of stuff that they should have been paid Copper #2 on has been paid at "Communication Wire" Rate.

  19. #32
    SuperDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    So we all agree that this.. without a doubt.. is #2 Insulated Copper wire!

    The rat corporation that my core buyer sells too upstream- is buying this off of their suppliers as "Communication wire" Not sure the price the core buyer is getting from rat corporation.. but I'd get paid .40/lb- See the Bullwater here?
    Now in order to make everything right again Sledge, you need to find another wire buyer, this yard does not deserve to get your hard earned wire!

  20. #33
    sledge started this thread.
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    Super Dave-
    I am going to try and have a discussion with my Core Buyer. He only recently started buying things that are not true Auto Cores- He started out as a Converter buyer strictly. Up until about a year ago he dealt strictly with Auto Cores and I think he is attempting to expand his business with taking in things like Brass, Copper and Aluminum. Thus far it has been a great relationship and I have even educated THEM about different grades of aluminum. My fear right now is that THEY are being taken advantage of! Rat Corporation is telling them something that is flat out UNTRUE and are getting a huge benefit from anyone they can "dupe."

    The core buyer has been faced with the same situation I have had with Converters when I started out doing cars as a rookie. When I began I couldn't tell you the difference between a Torpedo from a Breadloaf. They have always been fair to pay me for exactly what it was, I am hoping to return that favor.. even if it comes at the suggestion that they NOT sell to "Rat Corporation" There are other yards that will buy from them- They are one of THE most respected core buyers in the area- fair, honest and business done right.. and with a few phone calls I may just be able to facilitate that relationship for my Core Buyer. Right now they have all their eggs in one basket.. and the basket is decaying.. if I can convince them that there are other baskets out there that will be FAIR to them.. it will benefit them and ME in the long run!

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  22. #34
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    So we all agree that this.. without a doubt.. is #2 Insulated Copper wire!

    The rat corporation that my core buyer sells too upstream- is buying this off of their suppliers as "Communication wire" Not sure the price the core buyer is getting from rat corporation.. but I'd get paid .40/lb- See the Bullwater here?

    For me that would be #2 at one yard, 30% at another and something totally different at a specialty buyer. Do you know what gauge it is? Is it all single jacketed? Is it tin coated? These would all play into what I would get at the specialty buyer. Last time I was there, they bought 16 gauge single jacketed tin coated wire (came out of a plastic testing machine) as THHN. Got $1.80 something a pound. If they were to call it Telco (cat 5, phone wire, etc., I'd still get over $1.15

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  24. #35
    corycouch's Avatar
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    Heeeeey, long time no see. I get 90cents still and I can mix in the ribbons. I can leave on bulbs, tape, brackets and sheathing
    expect the worst and hope for the best
    cory couch
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  26. #36
    sledge started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by corycouch View Post
    Heeeeey, long time no see. I get 90cents still and I can mix in the ribbons. I can leave on bulbs, tape, brackets and sheathing
    YEEES.. King of Cars is Back (if only for a while!) What's up brotha!

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  28. #37
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    The king of cars sorry Cory and sledge but i think i have that title lol.

    It is harness wire which is somewhat #2 or so.I think i get $0.77lb for it.

  29. #38
    sledge started this thread.
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    Almost forgot to mention Gus- Supreme Car King of Canada.
    They named the movie "I Am Legend" after him!

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  31. #39
    corycouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    YEEES.. King of Cars is Back (if only for a while!) What's up brotha!
    Thank sledge, I've stepped down I guess . I've still bought around 20 this year. A few weeks back I bought several from a mechanic shop and a sealed auction at a wrecker service, I went home for 3 days . I'm still working on generators and it's been going good. I'm in the Houston area now and will probably be here for a while. We are on a trial with a major carrier and they give us over 400 sites. They brought 3 of us in to take care of it so it's a good opportunity for me. Good to see everyone still doin good

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  33. #40
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    King of cars and fire extinguishers!!!!! Good to read you are doing well Cory. All the best and safe travels bro.
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