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  1. #1
    sledge started this thread.
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    Discussion of Copper Wire- Auto Wiring Harness!

    So this starts off with a bit of a Rant. I need some fellow scrappers to chime in.
    Recently we had a topic about Cat5, Cat5e, Cat 6 and RG's which I think we covered and addressed.

    Today I have a new one. I'm fumed.. but I'm always ready to be "schooled" So here it goes:

    I pull my wiring harness out of any junk vehicle.
    This is how I have always been paid:

    A. Graded "Wiring Harness" (Includes all ends, bulbs, tape, and flex-loom) = .75/lb
    B. If I cut all the ends off and leave none of what I said- Meaning you have red and blue and whatever other color insulated wire- I have been paid for #2 Clean Copper Wire = $1.00/lb

    So my latest trip to the buyer- I did just that- I brought in a bucket of "Harness" and a Bucket of "Clean #2"

    The guy says "This harness is junk- it has all the plastic and ends" I stated- "there is still a bunch of wire in it" I'm not just clipping ends and turning in the ends. He said "I know what you are doing- you are cutting off as much goodies as you can and some of the other is going in as harness" I said "Doesn't that fit the criteria of Harness?- Tape, Flex Loom, ends, all connected to wiring?"

    He told me I was cutting it close? WTF? Some of these literally had 1" diameter slugs of bundled wires going to connectors. And YES I'd be an idiot to not cut off the low hanging fruit of clean wire to get $1/lb vs .75/lb

    So I even talked to the owner and apparently their upstream buyer now says that even if it is what has ALWAYS been graded CLEAN #2- that they will only pay my core buyer at "Communication Wire Rate"

    So in a nutshell- if I leave all of it as it is pulled- I get .75- no hassle, no questions, no problem
    If I CLEAN the harness wire- it is not #2 anymore- it is now "Communication wire" at .40/lb

    I need thoughts on this one. Sounds like the upstream buyer is literally STEALING from anyone who feeds them!
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  3. #2
    SuperDave's Avatar
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    I asked for an education last time I was at my favorite yard. Basically for me number 2 wire is appliance with no ends or connectors. I get 0.20 cents for ends. 1.05 for number 2.

    Take all your wire and sell elsewhere. Wait till you have lots too. Then you can bargain.

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  5. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Personally I'd be cleaning them as some of that harness would go as #1 up here at 1.20 lb, the ends would go in a bucket to go after filling up. Dirty brass I think.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  6. #4
    sledge started this thread.
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    You scrap cars. So under this circumstance- if you pull harness and clean it (Meaning its a rainbow of insulated wires) what do they grade that wire at for you?

  7. #5
    sledge started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Personally I'd be cleaning them as some of that harness would go as #1 up here at 1.20 lb, the ends would go in a bucket to go after filling up. Dirty brass I think.
    See this is my thought- more work, taking all the "garbage" off of it and you have a fist-full of insulated stranded copper wire- It is the very definition of #2 copper wire! Now they are telling me it is Communication wire? At .40? I'm better leaving all the crap on and getting .75.. but I smell a huge pile of BULLWATER!

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  9. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    See this is my thought- more work, taking all the "garbage" off of it and you have a fist-full of insulated stranded copper wire- It is the very definition of #2 copper wire! Now they are telling me it is Communication wire? At .40? I'm better leaving all the crap on and getting .75.. but I smell a huge pile of BULLWATER!
    I'm agreeing with you that it should be at least #2 with some #1 mixed in. Comm wire is ribbon wire out of computers, anything small, etc.
    I take my larger stuff to my main yard, but they only pay .60 for comm wire so it goes to my #2 yard at .80 lb.
    That 14-18 ga wire is #2 here and 12 ga is considered #1. Good luck.

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  11. #7
    sledge started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    I'm agreeing with you that it should be at least #2 with some #1 mixed in. Comm wire is ribbon wire out of computers, anything small, etc.
    I take my larger stuff to my main yard, but they only pay .60 for comm wire so it goes to my #2 yard at .80 lb.
    That 14-18 ga wire is #2 here and 12 ga is considered #1. Good luck.
    Thanks Mech: I just wanted to be sure I wasn't crazy! I think my Core buyer is getting SCREWED by their upstream buyer (who is a rat corporation) They are continuously finding ways to squeeze their feeders and their walk in scale clients. In return.. my core buyer HAS to buy at what Rat Corp will pay them for- even if they are DEAD WRONG.

    Mind you this is the same company that will now buy at #1 copper ONLY if it is as shiny as a new penny- the days of cutting off your solder joints on copper pipe and it being #1 are gone as far as they are concerned. So if I pull say 50 feet of copper pipe off a job, cut all solder joints they will grade it as #2 because it will have green patina on it.

    I'm getting worn out. CONSTANTLY Working hard to clean and bring my stuff in "RIGHT" (i.e. the way I've been told they need it cleaned) and they are still finding ways to put the screws to their clients- either directly or indirectly. Someone's getting rich.. and it sure as hell ain't us!

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  13. #8
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    Discussion of Copper Wire- Auto Wiring Harness!

    I got sick of this same type of crap with wire at my local yard. What I do now is wait til I have 500-1000 lbs of it. Then I go to the yard and ask them what they are willing to pay.

    The new yard I have been using pays .65 per pound for #2 wire. I had about 900 lbs, and they gave me 1.00 per lb. It is all about quantity.

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  15. #9
    redcrossnj's Avatar
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    Cant help you sledge . At my yard I get .90 a pound for ALL wire ( ext cords , christmas lights, romex etc). Its fine with me I just strip all the big stuff and sell the rest as insulated

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  17. #10
    sledge started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by redcrossnj View Post
    Cant help you sledge . At my yard I get .90 a pound for ALL wire ( ext cords , christmas lights, romex etc). Its fine with me I just strip all the big stuff and sell the rest as insulated
    Maybe I just need to move back east?

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  19. #11
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    I'm tempted to start buying harness wire with no ends for $1 lb. I have a specialty buyer for it.

    I think my yard pays about $1 lb
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  21. #12
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    I get a $1/lb for clean harness wire, otherwise it's "breakage" at .25/lb

  22. #13
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    They did this at my yard last year too.
    Upgraded the 'looms' specification, and dropped the price at the same time.
    I would have got $2.70/kg , now its $1.60/kg with all the plugs cut off.

    But they put up a notice on the wall about it so everyone knew.
    I think its because at the end user they have to get rid of so much rubbish before they send it thru the granulator.
    Get rid of the plugs (full of dirt too) get rid of the outside tape, take into account all the little brass connectors.

    If they can get plain plastic coated wire and granulate it, they probably get rid of the brass at the same time.

    We never ever got #1 for Copper pipe. Its always been classed as 'Domestic Copper'.

  23. #14
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    Woops, double posted

    ps. We don't get paid different amounts for the different Copper % in our plastic coated wire either.
    Just the lowest % amount of 45%...
    I'm trying to find a yard that does though, saves burning it off.
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 10-01-2014 at 07:04 AM.

  24. #15
    spinroch's Avatar
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    Please don't do that!
    It is bad for the environment and frowned upon here at SMF.
    F1 Recycles

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  26. #16
    SuperDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    You scrap cars. So under this circumstance- if you pull harness and clean it (Meaning its a rainbow of insulated wires) what do they grade that wire at for you?
    Sorry should have been more elaborate.
    I save mine 'cause I feel like I am not getting the best price either. My e-waste guy in Montreal takes all number 2 at 1.05 a pound, connectors loom and all. He gets all my wire, and makes the trip worthwhile for me to bring my boards, HDs and power supplies. When I go I have a few 55 gal drums full of wire.
    I am more likely to strip appliances of wire than to go after the wiring harness of a car. (not that I haven't done it a few times..)
    On a side note I always get the wire to and from the startor to battery and the ground (that's nice stuff).

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  28. #17
    sledge started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDave View Post
    Sorry should have been more elaborate.
    I save mine 'cause I feel like I am not getting the best price either. My e-waste guy in Montreal takes all number 2 at 1.05 a pound, connectors loom and all. He gets all my wire, and makes the trip worthwhile for me to bring my boards, HDs and power supplies. When I go I have a few 55 gal drums full of wire.
    I am more likely to strip appliances of wire than to go after the wiring harness of a car. (not that I haven't done it a few times..)
    On a side note I always get the wire to and from the startor to battery and the ground (that's nice stuff).
    Thanks for your reply. Wow $1.05.. Now THAT is Nice!! (Battery Cable wiring from starter is also!!!)

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  30. #18
    SparrowMetals's Avatar
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    My yards will take pretty much any junky insulated wire for .85/#. Mine consists mainly of O2 sensor harness (thin wire with lots of plugs/junk) and battery leads and heavier wire from starters and alternators (heavier wire, but still with some junk). It's a mix, but I will cut off any steel brackets, battery terminals or other really heavy junk. For the type of insulated wire I usually have, I'm happy with .85. My yard guys always treat me fair on everything, and both of my yards sell me a good mix of automotive core material. That's why they get my business.
    Sparrow Metals- Automotive core and converter buyer in Central PA since 2012.

  31. #19
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    I took a load of ferrus in last week and noticed the copper prices: #2 $2.45/lb, #2 insulated: $0.75lb and low recovery $0.13/lb. Christmas lights are considered low recovery.

  32. #20
    Rollyrogers33's Avatar
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    My yard only pays .25/lb for Xmas lights. I have about about 600 lbs of insulated wire that I have to sort. Then probably close to 100 lbs of 10 gauge which will be stripped this winter. Most yards in my area don't differ to much on price on insulated, but stripped is always better.
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