So I have been saving plug ends for a long time, debating if I ever was going to actually ever pull the brass ends out. I tried once awhile ago and had trouble pulling the prongs out and kind of just gave up. I kept saving, and looking at my pile and debated whether pull or throw in shred. The pile kept growing. Well, I had an extra half hour the other day and decided to make an effort and do. I am glad I did. Once I figured out how to do, it was relatively easy. To my surprise, it did not take too long to get some weight added to my brass. Most of the prongs came out with some bare bright also, which grew to a nice little pile. So now, for the past few nights I have gone into the garage and knocked out a few more, although I have a lot to get through. I did learn a lesson though:Wear eye protection. Had a piece snap off and hit me just below my lip. I wear gogles now. Anyway, not earth shattering news but just thought I would share.