I'm sure the members on here that do home cleanouts find all kinds of unique items. Personally, I am fascinated when I find older items, and it never stops amazing me the things people throw out. Today I found about 20 tin/metal soldiers, each about 2 inches or so tall. A quick look up and they are british from the 1940's(these will stay in my collection). I also found a German music book printed in the 1870's, and a childrens Red Riding Hood comic book printed in the 1930's. I think old paper products(like books, pamphlets etc.) amaze me the most. Someone has saved them for all these years in good condition, and now there in the trash. I usually always save the ones I find for myself. I once found a box full of boy scout papmhlets, books, badges and manuals from the 1940's and 1950's(I kept those too!!). Looks like someones father died and they threw it all out, very sad. I found "regular" stuff too, but I like the unique items better!! Anyway it was a fun morning. Have a good day all.