Talked to the yard today and they aren't expecting steel prices to go up until fall... we're stuck at 50/ton
Talked to the yard today and they aren't expecting steel prices to go up until fall... we're stuck at 50/ton
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Dropped down to .03 per pound this week. And the yard was packed with steel, makes no sense!!
I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist
Today's price in Bridgeport, CT was $20/ton. One cent per pound. Glad I called ahead so I knew to stay home!
60.00 ton here in the state of Delaware.
I got tired of looking at my little pile of stuff, and had the time yesterday, so I cashed in.
Shredder -- $5.75/hundred
Heavy melt, prepared -- $6.92/hundred
Rebar (at a different yard than the first two) $6/hundred
I'll probably never be able to bring myself to re-bury any scrap I dig up, because that's mostly heavy melt, or rebar. Any shredder I get is usually because I intercepted it on the way to the dumpster on the job site, but at that price, it's hardly worth the effort.
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Shred up to $65 a ton $.0325 a pound up $.005 a pound
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down some to $.03 lb.
Got a quote yesterday from a guy I usually don't use but is near where the load is .06
A lb for plate steel .07 lb if I prepare it and cut to 5' sections for 17k lbs . No thanks I'm just gonna put
It in a 20 yd can and dump it on the ground.and get paid. So it's 120 a ton.
4.5 cents/lb in south GA
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Sheet iron back down to $45 a ton... Saw a stove on the curb by my house early in the morning, by afternoon a neighbor rang the bell to tell me that there was a stove out! LOL Now that steel is hardly worth anything I've got people knocking at my door...
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prepared 3'x18" P&S down to $75 a ton
Hms is 90/ton CAD
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[QUOTE=bigburtchino;243258]OK it took me longer than I thought it would, but I located where the manager went to work at. He went to work for a much bigger company, hes the non-ferrous manager at this company. I talked to him yesterday on the phone, told him what his old employer wanted to pay me last week for light steel ($.0075 a pound) and HMS ($.015 a pound), he told me they really don't want to buy steel right now (obviously). He asked me how much did I have (about 2 tons) and could I help him out with, by selling him some non-ferrous. I haven't sold any #1 Cu all year, so I said sure.
This new place is different, three different yards that take up an entire city block. You go into one place to get weighed (scale yard does CRV, Cardboard and Plastic), then you go unload at the ferrous yard, then back to scale to get weighed empty. Take your ticket to the non-ferrous yard, weigh that type of metal on floor scales and then get paid at the non-ferrous yard for everything. The good thing is they have plenty of help and everybody was real good with making it effortless as possible. Evan though you have different yards, I think they were much faster and the bottom line they pay better.
#1 Cu $2.30 Lb.
Yellow Brass $1.50
SS $.50
6063 $.65
HMS Steel $.065
Light Steel $.045
So I made $147+ more just on the light steel and very happy to have a yard manager that wants my business. The best news they buy circuit boards too!
Today went excellent![/QUOTE
"anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"
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In NZ the price of lightgauge is NZ$10 a metric Ton.
Thats about US$6.50 a Ton......
The guy who owns the 'scrap drop off yard' that I find most of my nonferrous in has decided to close it down I think. I was talking to his neigbour today about it.
Hes getting too much rubbish dumped off there and that costs him money as he cannot really sort thru it. I think he was selling it as 'shred' which we don't actually do here in NZ.
Its either 'whiteware mixed' or 'Sheetmetal mixed'. Since its about 2/3rds thru winter theres not a lot of roofing being done, which made up a good amount of his metal.
Also others are taking whiteware from the yard, scrapping it at home and dumping off the plastic back at his yard.
That and the amount of CRT Tv's being dropped off.
Lately its been getting pretty bad for that, far too obvious.
Though I just found out there is a recycling place here that will take clean plastic. But not everyone knows that.
I am doing a cleanup at home and have taken all my heavy Iron, fridge compressor metal after removing the Copper, electric motor Iron cores etc, back to his yard and filling 55gallon drums with them.
That makes it easyer for him to process and he probably gets over the NZ$150 a Ton for it too. (That was our 'deal' I take stuff, scrap out the nonferrous, dispose of the rubbish, take the Steel back to him and also any Steel that I get, back to him to cover the weight of metal I remove.
Worked good for me, I don't have the space or vehicle to shift heavy Steel around so Its easyer fo me to dump it and anything else I get back at his yard as I pick up more potential Nonferrous.
And I would sort some stuff out for him to make it easyer for him to pick up with his crane, and clean up broken glass from the road outside.
Now that I have a car. I can get out more often and that will probably cover my loss of a source.
Also, its time to sell my escrap.... I have sooo much escrap... Golds dropping, NZ$ is dropping against the US$ and how we were going to fix prices was that he was going to pay me in NZ$ exactly what you would get in US$ for the same escrap.
As the NZ$ was worth about US$0.90 cents at the time, Thats OK, my buyer takes the difference as his profit. Sweet.
But now the NZ$ is only worth US$0.65cents. It would cut into my return too much. We will have to figure out a closer deal.
Its alot of escrap though. Hundreds of motherboards, 4 banana boxs of video and sound card etc. Box of harddrive boards, box of CD boards, shoebox of ram, more boxes of Apple/mac boards, boxes of servers, etc. CPU of all sorts.
To find out NZ metal prices. Google 'scrapmetalpricesnz' Because of the shift against the US$ our prices have not gone down that much except for Iron.
As thats was dropping because of demand and I think the rest is oversupply (Aluminium) mixed with drop in world demand.
Last edited by eesakiwi; 08-18-2015 at 09:13 AM.
The car my wife used to drive, and then I drove to work for a year and a half more, went out of inspection in April. Finally drove it to the scrapyard yesterday. 323,800 miles on her. Best car that ever came off an assembly line anywhere, ever.
(That's .25 less than two weeks ago, but we couldn't find the title til last weekend. )
Ditchdigger - Just curious as to the make and model of the car.
My best pickup was my first one, a 1972 Ford, can't even remember how many since than. Wish I had the first one, it never seemed to have problems. They sure don't make them like they used too!
2000 Chevy Lumina.
She bought a 96, with around 23,000 miles on it, which she had when we got married. That one lasted 284,000 miles, and still ran like a top when the tranny went out. We decided that with the rust (spent its whole life dealing with salty winter roads), it wasn't worth fixing. But since we'd had such good service, we went looking for another one. The 2000 we bought already had 137,000 on it when we brought it home.
Don't anyone ever try to tell me that American cars are inferior...
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guy at work brought in 3800 lbs of metal roofing on a 90 mile round trip, came back with 33 bucks, burnt 45 in gas... don't know why? transfer station is 2 miles away and takes it free, only $.008/lb less than the yard
There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man
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90/Ton. South side of chicago
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