I have no idea of the time frame but a slow economy seems likely for the foreseeable future.
It was sometime back in the early 2000's that the government started creating a lot of new money within the Federal reserve system. ( The Federal Reserve is like a go < ----> between. It's like a United States Government bank and it loans money to the big banks.
The big banks borrow the money and in turn loan it out to the public.
There was a $hitload of borrowing going on before the recession hit. That overheated the economy and caused price inflation. Finally .... it came to a point where everybody was in debt up to their eyeballs and the economy crashed over the winter of 2007-2008.
A bit later during the end of the GWB administration there was a banking crisis so The Fed nearly doubled the existing money supply to loan out enough for the "Big Bank Bailout". That really drove price & currency inflation. Metals prices went up up up.
Have you ever gone on a really good bender ? You're high that weekend but you're sick as a dog for the next week ?
It's like that with the economy too. We had the glory days of high metals prices and now it's the morning after. As some of that "created" money is returned back to The Fed and taken out of circulation it creates currency deflation.
During the deflationary phase of the recession prices drop and money becomes harder to come by.
Long post ... but IMHO it's not really all that complicated.
You know what they say ..... (debt) payback is a bit*h.