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| Scrap Metal Prices
  1. #1
    mthomasdev started this thread.
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    Light iron down 33% today at my main yard to 2.2 cents. These guys sell light iron to sims, so I assume this will affect many of you in the northeast.

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  3. #2
    HipoGear's Avatar
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    Think I picked the wrong time to start scrapping (about six weeks now)

  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by HipoGear View Post
    Think I picked the wrong time to start scrapping (about six weeks now)
    Now is the perfect time to be scrapping as many items are being left. You just need to scrap smarter. Look for more than scrap value on items and sell as scrap as a byproduct.

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  6. #4
    aph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HipoGear View Post
    Think I picked the wrong time to start scrapping (about six weeks now)
    If you can make it NOW you will be raking it in when stuff recovers.

    Any doubts read this book: Who moved my Cheese.

    Was a lifechanger for me.
    Time is Money - Crunch the Numbers - It's a Numbers Game!

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  8. #5
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    More than scrap value sales are always a winner. Right now, they're more important than ever. If you can break down a computer for $8 total, or can break it down, spend just a little more time, and get $15, which would you choose?
    More than Scrap Value Shipment Tips:

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  10. #6
    HipoGear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aph View Post
    If you can make it NOW you will be raking it in when stuff recovers.

    Any doubts read this book: Who moved my Cheese.

    Was a lifechanger for me.
    I had that book on my to read list several years ago. Never got it, but now I will.
    Thanks for the recomendation

    Rich Dad, Poor Dad changed my life

  11. #7
    Destructo_d's Avatar
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    I have scrapped for almost 25 years.... learning more all the time... I never had any regular pickups until this year. My friend is getting out of the game due to price and his bad back... He gave out my number to one body shop and I made my first pickup last week. 450 pounds of body panels was 6 bucks Canadian... He is going to indroduce me to his one regular customer who is a body shop as well... he said you can get a full size long box pickup of scrap every week or so... now... 2 saving graces on this are... both are basicly on my travel route to and from work.... and there will be aluminum mixed into it as well.... there is a 3rd item as well...the scrap yard is 1km away from my house (half mileish) and only a block out of my way.... as long as I cover my gas, I will be happy as scrap can't stay low forever..... and by then, I will show them that I can be reliable to pick up the scrap regularly and I will have good customers.

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  13. #8
    mthomasdev started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by aph View Post
    If you can make it NOW you will be raking it in when stuff recovers.

    Any doubts read this book: Who moved my Cheese.

    Was a lifechanger for me.
    Had to take a class for work where we read that book. Definitely applies here. Got to expand my computer vollections and get a few more clients. Been doing pretty good with more than scrap stuff.

  14. #9
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    An break it down!

    When times are good people like to just toss it in whole. Times are bad..they like to quit. Then there is the rare breed that forges on while adapting to current pricing. How you say? The answers are above. Break things down, an as said in other posts..look to resale if you can, or want to.

    I prefer to break things down. You may decide to go the route of resale as others before you have. It works, one just need patience an the ability to deal with the stupidity that comes with dealing with the general public in a sale capacity. I lack said patience or the liquor to not want to beat them all in the head with a ink cartridge.

    As always..YMMV.

    It doesn't matter if your doing this as a hobby, part time, a full time gig, etc. You need to adapt to the market changes. Our pricing can change daily, so one must be able to change with it. How you do that is up to you. If you don' won't be in the scrap game for long.

    Roll with the changes, or get bowled over by them. Choice is yours.

    Sirscrapalot - Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. - Some old guy with funky hair named Albert Einstein

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  16. #10
    Rockynh72's Avatar
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    I always try to get more than scrap value, it's the best way to make more money for your time and hard work, when scrap prices are down I stock pile and have more time to separate my metals.

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  18. #11
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    I see a half penny drop here today, was told the shred market in china is drying up.

  19. #12
    Destructo_d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave View Post
    I see a half penny drop here today, was told the shred market in china is drying up.
    do you mean they are going to quit buying or they are running out of shred there... I heard they are selling processed steel in ingots back to the us market at 300 bucks a ton.... so hopefully their supplies dry up soon which will drive the price back up... I tell you tho.. finished goods being sold to business and customers haven't gone down in price.. they are skyrocketing

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