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Holy Sh!tty Prices Batman!

| Scrap Metal Prices
  1. #1
    AdmiralAluminum started this thread.
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    Holy Sh!tty Prices Batman!

    Just went to the yard and had noticed the prices dropping on everything so I asked for a price list to see if there was anything I should take note of. Mobos down to .35/lb! WTF! I've gotten the impression they want whole units for a while because the price of everything but HDD has dropped significantly over the last year while they still pay .20/lb for whole computers (they don't check for HDD, so there's a little loophole there). My fave scale guy kind of gave me a hint on the weekend when he pointed out it wasn't profitable to break them down, to which I said "not any more" because mobos used to be 1.75/lb and right there it was worth my time. Now, he's definitely right; I will still pop em open and take the CPU, RAM and cards, but nothing else anymore!

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  3. #2
    AdmiralAluminum started this thread.
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    I meant to add some other prices but had to deal with a customer at work...

    low grade motors (plastic, wood) .05, motors .15, Al .60 (with paint), Cu 2.40-1.90 BB-#3, taps/faucets .75, ballast and compressor .10.

    At this point it's not worth breaking down much except anything that takes 30 seconds or less!

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  5. #3
    sledge's Avatar
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    My finger cards dropped .70/lb
    My Power Supply Boards dropped from .47 to .28
    Steel is a dismal $90/ton and on top of that my yard shorted me at the scale on the last drop. Talk about adding insult to injury!
    Darn near everything is dropping like a rock.

    I've pulled my "Pay for Computer Scrap" ads off CL, basically- If I can't get it for Free right now.. hardly worth getting.
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  7. #4
    matador's Avatar
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    Shred is $25/Ton here. I have two pallets of computer cases to take in, but they'll sit until I'm taking a truck to town anyways. I can't even cover my fuel costs at these prices!
    More than Scrap Value Shipment Tips:

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  9. #5
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    AS I've said before don;t look for any major change in construction commodities, till the world bit^^ slap leaders finish their hair pulling contest over the currency .

    Gold and Sliver (Boards) whole different ball game. My opinion based on a lot of research tells me, when you adjust for inflation and add in trillions of fiat currency printed by all. Gold could hit $7000 and Silver $700 over night so to speak. I look for a major change working it's way to Sept 13/15,2015 But then that's just me. mcw
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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