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  1. #1
    scrappy1 started this thread.
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    Current Prices $$$ For Refrigerator Compressors & Electric Motors


    Hey Guyz.

    At the local scrap yard. There are a few parts buyers that sit out in front of the local scrap yard. These are the prices they will pay for the parts.

    Average Size Fridge Compressors for $10
    A/C Condensor Compressor $15
    Washing & Dryer Electric motors $5
    Car Batterys $10

    Am i getting a good deal?
    How is he making money of these?
    Who is he selling too?

    I pulled the twine off one of the electric motors there was like maybe (1 lb of copper @ $3.00 LB) - (1/4 lb of aluminum @ 1.98 LB) Not worth the effort. Easier to sell whole.

    Any money in the transmission from washing machines ? There a real B*tch to remove.


  2. #2
    Scrap man's Avatar
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    If you've seen some of the other posts, one talked about the high copper content of compressors and how to handle them. I've never scrapped a compressor, but I hear there's a lot of copper in them. The motors can't be a money maker for them. Motors are a pain to remove copper from and you'd be getting less than $5 at motor price for one. Batteries can't be a money maker either. Yards only pay about $6 per battery and unless these guys are selling them to some battery refinery at an impossibly high price, they're losing money.

    My advice: sell the motors and car batteries to the guy and scrap the compressors yourself.

    As for the washing machine transmition, I'm assuming you mean the motor. I've never heard of a transmition on a washing machine. Definitely remove the motor. I don't know why it would be hard.
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  3. #3
    Ecycle Atlanta's Avatar
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    Scrap Man, I have to disagree....with your signature that is. Dropping something off of the roof of a 5 story building beats the sledgehammer every time. But I'll give the sledge a solid #2

  4. #4
    Scrap man's Avatar
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    If you want to carry a heavy appliance up 5 sets of stairs, be my guest. I guess it would be more fun, but a lot harder.

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  6. #5
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    Compressor prices Scrap Value in Washington State

    I will be able to let you know later today or maybe tomorrow what the price for a compressor is going for. I just scraped an old 50's fridge and the compressor is bigger then average.

    I live in Rochester, Wa 98579 for mapquest and batteries are .35 cents a lb.
    That comes close to 5 for the average car battery. This is a small community though and I am sure that the prices would be better heading north to Seattle.
    If you have a truck load then fine but not cost effective for a small load.

    It's a 100 miles to Seattle or 100 miles to Portland Oregon, Portland would be better then Seattle. They always have been higher there.

    Nice to meet your bunch of scrapers and Don't forget your therapy classes. Just hit the couch and I'll fetch the Doctor. LOL Bobbuckwheat

  7. #6
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    hi, buckwheat, welcome to the'll enjoy the humor, but the scrap info is priceless

  8. #7
    Mick's Avatar
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    Welcome to the Forum, BobBuckwheat. If batteries in your area are going for .35/lb, that's $12.39 for an average car/light truck battery (industry average is 35.4 pounds). Pretty good as the last I was offered by Exide for quantity was .20/lb. What "5" are you referring to?
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  9. #8
    Saroro's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum Bob!
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  10. #9
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Pretty good as the last I was offered by Exide for quantity was .20/lb.
    Mick, I seen you mentioned this in another post and I wondered then about your prices, especially when your bringing them a pallet load at a time. If I had bigger loads my yard would up the price by a couple of cents. I'm getting .28 right now,,,and thats for 1 or 10. You might check around a little more on prices,,,

  11. #10
    Mick's Avatar
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    Thanks. I wish I could. I know the prices of all the buyers around here. To get any higher, I'd have to contract for a set number per month with a penalty for not meeting the quota. And that would only be a couple cents.

  12. #11
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Bob, Where are you selling your batteries at. I live in Shelton and we get .15 cents a pound here!

    Quote Originally Posted by BobBuckwheat View Post
    I will be able to let you know later today or maybe tomorrow what the price for a compressor is going for. I just scraped an old 50's fridge and the compressor is bigger then average.

    I live in Rochester, Wa 98579 for mapquest and batteries are .35 cents a lb.
    That comes close to 5 for the average car battery. This is a small community though and I am sure that the prices would be better heading north to Seattle.
    If you have a truck load then fine but not cost effective for a small load.

    It's a 100 miles to Seattle or 100 miles to Portland Oregon, Portland would be better then Seattle. They always have been higher there.

    Nice to meet your bunch of scrapers and Don't forget your therapy classes. Just hit the couch and I'll fetch the Doctor. LOL Bobbuckwheat

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