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Prices today

| Scrap Metal Prices
  1. #1
    Pokemonprime started this thread.
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    Wink Prices today

    Swore there was a centralized thread for this, but anyways

    Ballasts - 0.10/lb
    Dirty Insulated - 0.10/lb
    "Clean" Scrap Iron (This included 3 bikes w/tires and the guts of a shredder but okay...) - 0.04/lb
    Xmas Lights - 0.10/lb
    Electric Motors - 0.12/lb
    Aluminum Cans - 0.50/lb

    At ATM Recycling in Palm Bay, FL
    Last edited by Pokemonprime; 07-22-2017 at 02:20 PM.

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  3. #2
    HipoGear's Avatar
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    Well here's to hoping you prices go up soon!!
    Dirty insulated??? What's the difference between that and XMAS lights?
    Our shred and electric motors are both paying higher here.
    Copper, brass, and Leather. 3 of my favorite things.

  4. #3
    Pokemonprime started this thread.
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    Unfortunately, one of the other yards near me was closed today (Closed on a Saturday? And according to the google reviews it says "Closed Saturdays-Pick another day") and has reviews that are either glowing or absolutely terrible. The only other one close by doesn't take steel and is closed the whole weekend. And yeah, no clue what the difference is between Xmas lights and dirty insulated. Or even what the difference is between "dirty" insulated and "clean" insulated. Maybe that means with and without ends, no clue. They even took the time to dig them out of my box of other wire (the Xmas lights), though for some reason they ticked it as a pound's worth, and it was definitely not, but I'm not complaining. Also, anyone else having problems with the forum text box? Whenever I backspace it likes to jump to the beginning of the word

    Last edited by Pokemonprime; 07-22-2017 at 08:54 PM.

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  6. #4
    HT1's Avatar
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    Xmas lights may stop paying completely the Chinese are probably getting 8 cents for the insulation and consider the copper a kicker, I was warned last year that due to the LED lights, Xmas lights would get to be un-marketable, just not enough metal in them

    V/r HT1

  7. #5
    RLS0812's Avatar
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    The local yard here takes X-Mass lights only if they don't have the bulbs ...
    I have actually made a some money from LED light strings when they first came out. I bought LED bulb packs after X-Mass for $0.05 each, and resold them for $0.50 starting in November .
    The stores have caught on to what I was doing, and no longer discount the replacement bulbs after the holiday season

  8. #6
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HT1 View Post
    Xmas lights may stop paying completely the Chinese are probably getting 8 cents for the insulation and consider the copper a kicker, I was warned last year that due to the LED lights, Xmas lights would get to be un-marketable, just not enough metal in them

    V/r HT1
    Good while it lasted I guess they will go in with the sheet iron when they stop paying for them as is...

  9. #7
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    I took one of my little loads of light steel (called "tin & wire" around here) in on Thurs. It was mostly pieces off of a bunch of old printers I ended up with. The price was $75 a ton or the way I like to figure 3.75 cents a pound, the same I think as in July. In the fall around here, though, steel prices usually tumble big time. We'll see...

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