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copper prices

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  1. #1
    stangcrazy started this thread.
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    copper prices

    Just wanted to see how it compares were im at to other places.

    #1 copper is $3.20

    #2 copper is $3.00

    Now as far as insulated goes the ladys in the office said the guys would have to see it. So I took some samples out and the guy says it would prolly be insulated #2.

    So I ask the lady how much for insulated #2 she says have to ask the guys, I say I did they said its insulated #2 LOL. So she says i can give ya an estimate it would be around $.70 a lb.

    Now im confused on the whole inulated copper thing now. I didnt realize there was different grades for insulated.


  2. #2
    Scrap man's Avatar
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    The copper prices seem about right. As for the wire, some yards grade it and pay different for different grades. #1 is the stuff with lots of copper that you should strip for the most cash. #2 is the stuff that doesn't have as much copper in it and probably isn't worth your time to strip. Some yards even have #3 wire. This is the flat stuff out of computer towers
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  3. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Here it is 1 - 3.20
    2 - 3.00
    1 - 1.25 Insul.
    2 - 1.00 Insul
    al.cans .75lb

  4. #4
    stangcrazy started this thread.
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    Well I guess were not to far off here in nebraska, im debating weather to keep the wire and strip it over time and hope copper stays at these prices or hight for quite some time. all my stuff is stranded wire blaaaah.

  5. #5
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    the 20-18-16ga. is really not worth stripping, too time consuming for a little bit of copper. The bigger stuff might be worth it to you to strip. If they have brass crimp-on's on the ends, I cut them off and throw them in a jar. I think the yards classify 14ga and smaller as #2 14ga and larger goes as #1 and then it's either insulated or clean.
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 06-02-2011 at 07:21 PM.

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