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  1. #1
    Dru702 started this thread.
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    Paper and Plastic Prices for Yesterday

    I was reading a thread asking weather or not other recyclables (Paper and Plastic) are worth it, so I decided to give it a try.

    Here's what I did, I live in kind of an elderly community so I go around the day before trash day and tell people I will take their garbage to the curb for them if they let me keep there recycables and any metal their throwing out. I usually just keep the alum cans but this night I took the paper and plastic also. Here are the results.

    Yard: Nevada Recycling

    Paper: 500 lbs x .07 /lb = 35.00

    PET (Water & Soda Bottles): 20 lbs x .10 /lb = 2.00

    Mixed Plastic: 275 lb x .03 /lb = 8.25

    Total = 45.25

    In my opinion Plastic is so not worth it, it takes up way to much room in the bed and I probably lost money in gas from going around and collecting it because I had to make 2 trips, that's how much room it takes up! Plus I spent about 2 hours crushing it up so I wouldn't have to make 2 trips to the yard.

    Paper is ok you definitely make more money off metal so I'm going to stick to metal, but if I so happen to come across a large pile of paper ill grab it.
    Last edited by Dru702; 07-22-2011 at 09:31 AM.

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