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WTF Copper!!

| Scrap Metal Prices
  1. #1
    ScrappyMcGee started this thread.
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    WTF Copper!!

    The day before the debt-ceiling 'crisis' in the US I brought in a load of copper. Type 1 was $3.78/lb and type2 was $3.58/lb.

    The next day they had dropped and were both $3.41/lb.

    Last week a retired electrician gave me 13 full spools of wire. I ran them at 80foot lengths between 2 trees in my front yard and stripped them very quickly with my Stanley blade.

    When I brought it in yesterday the price had dropped further to $3.30/lb.

    My question is what the ****, man?

    I started off the summer hoping to see copper hit $4, but now I'm doubting it will stay above $3.

    Anyone else out there have the copper blues?

  2. #2
    sjones99's Avatar
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    Copper changes every 5 minutes...up and down!

  3. #3
    ScrappyMcGee started this thread.
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    There are only two real yards here in Hamilton, so not much to choose from.

    Yeah, he gave it to me. Got a call to come to his house for a truckload of appliances and we got to talking over a drink of Slivowitz brandy. Turns out he used to work with my father (Dad was a plumber) then he brought me out to his shed and showed me the rolls. I asked him if he wanted cash for them, but he declined.

    I haven't gotten large enough to the point of having to buy any scrap yet, but when the time comes my partner has 35 years experience buying stuff and turning it over for profit.

    I've got one roll left I'm saving to shoot some stripping videos, and I'll be hoarding any further copper until the prices go up.

  4. #4
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrappyMcGee View Post
    There are only two real yards here in Hamilton, so not much to choose from.

    Yeah, he gave it to me. Got a call to come to his house for a truckload of appliances and we got to talking over a drink of Slivowitz brandy. Turns out he used to work with my father (Dad was a plumber) then he brought me out to his shed and showed me the rolls. I asked him if he wanted cash for them, but he declined.

    I haven't gotten large enough to the point of having to buy any scrap yet, but when the time comes my partner has 35 years experience buying stuff and turning it over for profit.

    I've got one roll left I'm saving to shoot some stripping videos, and I'll be hoarding any further copper until the prices go up.

    Copper changes just like anything else. One day it can be 4 plus dollars, and the next day down to 2.9.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  5. #5
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Where they new rolls? Why not resell them?
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

  6. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Copper changes just like anything else. One day it can be 4 plus dollars, and the next day down to 2.9.
    Here's the proof of that,,
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 09-09-2011 at 10:50 PM.

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