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Ripped off in Liverpool. Possibly.

| Scrap Metal Prices
  1. #1
    JacksDaddy started this thread.
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    Ripped off in Liverpool. Possibly.

    I weighed some stripped copper wire at home on the luggage scales my girlfriend bought from Poundland (predictably, they cost £1). 12kg in a bag. I took it to my local yard where it showed up as 5kg. I got about £19. I was dissapointed but I took the money because I assumed my cheap scales were way off. Driving home I started thinking I'd been ripped off. I've got some weights somewhere so I'll test my scales tomorrow and see how far out they are.

    I'm going to take in some mixed metal, stainless, wire and copper tomorrow so if it turns out I got a bad deal off them I'll go elsewhere.

    I was told the previous day by a man there Id get £1.48 per kg insulated and £4.48 stripped. I saw a different person when I actually went and I think she said £3.37.

    I'll post what I get tomorrow and translate to lbs and $.

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Don't be surprised if they got into your pocket, some yards do that! They think we need them,,, Silly fools!!!
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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