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  1. #1
    Torker Man started this thread.
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    Australian Scrap Prices. (Current 29/Sep/2011)

    I thought I would give you guys in the northern hemisphere a little snap shot of some of the current metal pricing here in Melbourne, Australia..

    **NOTE: these are prices in $AUD, and price per Kilogram (kg)

    - $1 AUD = $0.97 USD
    - 1 kg = 2.2 lb

    Therefore if XYZ Metal is $1 per kg, then its $0.45 per pound (I think thats right???)


    Clean copper pipe (no solder, paint, etc)
    A.K.A No#1 $6.00 per KG

    ***That equates to about $2.80 USD per that about on par??***

    Soldered, painted, contaminated Copper pipe
    A.K.A No#2 $5.50 per kg

    Clean copper wire (no insulation)
    A.K.A Bare Bright, Milberry copper, No#1 wire $6.00 per kg

    Tarnished or corroded copper wire (no insulation)
    A.K.A No#2 wire $5.50 per kg

    Laquered or insulated wire (all cable ends/connectors removed)
    A.K.A Insulated wire $1.80 per kg


    Clean Brass $3.80 per kg

    Honey Brass $3,40
    (chrome plated, washers attached, small sections of copper pipe still attached etc)


    Clean and Iron free..
    Extruded, and/or domestic $1.10 per kg
    Cast $1.00 per kg


    Lead Acid Batteries
    Small $3.50 ea
    Large $4.00 ea
    (a per KG price of $3.50 was offered on a "Per Ton" basis)


    Clean and free from any iron $1.00 per kg

    These prices seemed a little low (haven't cashed in for a month or so) and to quote the Scrap yard guy...

    "..yeah mate, Copper price took a sh1t, and so did the F$@ken nickel too, so copper, brass, and stainless kinda suck right now..."
    "roaming the streets, looking for treats"

  2. #2
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    LOl if I heard that quate right the Scrap yard guy sounds like crocodile dundee right? Thats how I heard it and about split my pants laughing. On to your question. those prices are about the same as my yard is offering here in colorado. Except for batteries. If you can get $3.50 a kilo but you have to have a tonne i would save untill my pickup was dragging the bumper then go cash in. 1 tonne would net you $7000 and what does the average batter weigh? Has to be close to 15 20 kilos at least. I know the batteries in my truck weight close to 40kg each. So your talking only 100 batteries or so per tonne?

    Here is a website of a small yard close to me that list there prices. They are just a small yard that sells to the bigger yards in town so their prices are always a little low but a good guide for local minimum prices I think. I hope this helps you some.

  3. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    thanks for the heads up torker.

    which part of melbourne are you in?

    im in the coburg/preston area, all of melbs is good for scrap finds!



  4. #4
    Torker Man started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    LOl if I heard that quate right the Scrap yard guy sounds like crocodile dundee right? Thats how I heard it and about split my pants laughing. On to your question. those prices are about the same as my yard is offering here in colorado. Except for batteries. If you can get $3.50 a kilo but you have to have a tonne i would save untill my pickup was dragging the bumper then go cash in. 1 tonne would net you $7000 and what does the average batter weigh? Has to be close to 15 20 kilos at least. I know the batteries in my truck weight close to 40kg each. So your talking only 100 batteries or so per tonne?

    Here is a website of a small yard close to me that list there prices. They are just a small yard that sells to the bigger yards in town so their prices are always a little low but a good guide for local minimum prices I think. I hope this helps you some.

    LOL, he actually had a hat on too! Man, thats just how we roll down here...we have a slang saying for everything.

    For example 'Lately I've been busier than a one armed wallpaperer...'

    Defo shooting for the ton!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dugong View Post
    thanks for the heads up torker.

    which part of melbourne are you in?

    im in the coburg/preston area, all of melbs is good for scrap finds!


    not all that far from you mate. Out Eltham way, yard was in Greensborough. I trust these guys, been going there for a year or two now...

    They just had hard rubbish in Oakleigh/Chadstone, but I couldn't get over there...

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