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2 washers gets me...

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  1. #1
    Scrappy22 started this thread.
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    2 washers gets me...

    from yesterday the water heaters I got like no money, today I get $31.00 for 2 washers.

    Yesterday was a different guy who I never collect money from today was the usual guy. so that could explain the 4 cents drop. those water heaters were heavy yesterday too.

  2. #2
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    I would complain to the yard and make them do ya right. I usually run all my non ferrous to one yard. One time I noticed I was short on a item. The boss immediately called in, verified it, and fixed it. They use walkie talkies so probaly got lost in the air with all the noise. So what Im getting at is ya loyal and go there all the time, complain. They should make it right if they know your a loyal regular. If not you need a new yard.

    This is why I run all my non ferrous to one yard even know its a few cents cheaper than elsewhere.

  3. #3
    Ronny's Avatar
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    Yeah I'd complain as well.

  4. #4
    little726's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrappy22 View Post
    from yesterday the water heaters I got like no money, today I get $31.00 for 2 washers.

    Yesterday was a different guy who I never collect money from today was the usual guy. so that could explain the 4 cents drop. those water heaters were heavy yesterday too.
    This also happened to me the last time I visited the scrapyard. I had a hot water tank, completly stripped, plus, a car hood from a Toyota car. There was also a few other pieces of tin. When I checked the weight on my receipt, it said 192 lbs! I couldn't believe it!! The water tank alone should be over 200 lbs. I really feel I got ripped off.

  5. #5
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    Happened to me also on an old cast iron water heater in witch I weighed on my bath scale at home @ 100 lbs when i got to the yard i drove on a big scale and they then said to Proceed for the unload,after i went upstairs to cash out the receipt said 50lbs.I'll never trust those big drive on scales or that business ever again.A good lesson,You burn then you learn !!

  6. #6
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    Where I am any hot water tanks especially stripped are worth more than scrap. A lot of people in this area fab them into bbq grills. Problem here is that so many people are scrapping it is hard to get them.

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  8. #7
    volvoscrapper's Avatar
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    Interesting they are worth more than scrap in some parts of the country. Here in northern NJ I leave them on the curb. some yards pay a flat fee for water heaters, if you live in region with hard water, some yards deduct for mineral build up. around here they tend to be full of calcified crap, weigh a TON and my regular yard pays a flat rate $5-$6.

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