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transformers and batteries

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  1. #1
    azgard started this thread.
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    transformers and batteries

    i am putting together a load of trans formers and sealed lead acid batteries for scrap. i want to try to do a ton at a time. im located in new england. will they pay a much better price by having a big amount like that. i beleve the current price for batteries is like .15 and transfomers around .15-.18 range.

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Talk to Mick, or PM him. He's way up in the northeast and does trailerloads of batteries to get the best price. Down here their still .20 a lb.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  3. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    You know Azgard, all yards are different. The best way to find out would be to give them a call or stop in and talk to them. I can only speak for the specific yards I us wich are located in Wisconsin and the upper mid west area.

    As far as the three main yards that we use, they do give us a little better price, but there are a few different factors that the yards use to determine our pay-out prices, (1) They know that we bring in somewhat sub-stancial amounts on a fairly regular basis
    (2) They know that we bring the majority of our scrap to them, that we are committed to them.
    (3) We have a good reputation with them and they know that we strip down and/or seperate prooperly etc.

    There is really numerous variables that can come into play as far as getting a better price, and that can vary so much from one area to another. An example would be this: If your yard is in need of a certain scrap metal and you can give them a notice that you will be bringing in a set amount within a week or two, you actually commit to it, then they may be willing to pay you more. I'm not explainning this to well, maybe some other members will chime in and better clarify what I'm trying to say here

  4. #4
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    For what its worth: My local yard pays about $.24 for copper breakage up to 500 lbs and like $.32 per pound if you have 500+ pounds.

  5. #5
    Mick's Avatar
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    Like Mechanic688 said, PM me with your location and I might be able to steer you somewhere. Generally, scrap yards won't pay more for "larger" loads if it's just a one-time deal, anyway. But it never hurts to call and ask.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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