I see a couple of things going on in the low echilon markets right now. those yards that are normal ripoff, are ripping off more now, because of they can, their customer base is made up of newbs, homeless, those handicapped by transportation to larger yards, tweekers, and those too desperate to pitch a *itch.
there are those yards basically honest, that are covering their butts, in case of an economical total melt down, the signs are scarry out there folks, also e scrapping is relitivly new to most, and com wire is new or at least becomming more common to many of them. like any other good business, yards are quick to drop prices at the slitest glitch in the market or economy, on the other hand not so quik to raise prices when the market improves, this is only good business sence.
the price drop and most of us lose a few dollars, or at most a few 10s of dollars. an decient yard can lose 10s of thousands in a single day, just ask Easy, or Mario.
what is going to happen I dont know,and I wont be arround long enough to worry about it, but I will be looking down , or up, which ever the case may be,

, and worring about my America and all of you.
My advice is to sell only what ya have to to get buy and hoard the rest for better times or that rainey day. if things go o Hel* that scrap makes vrery good trade goods.
One other thing there are so many Newbs and tweekers in the market who dont know what the prices or class of scrap or dont care the marginal yards will screw you because they can, they dont need you, with the number of scrappers out there.
just my .02