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Electric Motor Haul

| Scrap Metal Prices
  1. #1
    250man started this thread.
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    Electric Motor Haul

    Scrap electric motors were in my way and I finally had to get them out. Local yard would only pay 12 cents a pound for them...I needed to go pickup a drum of oil about an hour away from me, and I located a yard right along the way...the quoted 25 cents a pound!

    They seemed really nice, while they wouldn't give me the 25 cents a pound for a huge Copeland compresser and some transformer type welders, they paid 15 cents a pound which I was happy with.

    1866 pound of motors at 25 cents a pound
    866 pounds of "Sealed unit" at 15 cents a pound

    Payout was $596.40, sure helped pay for the oil I bought!

    I need to see if they will send roll offs down here, its nice to deal with a yard that is friendly and pays fair prices!

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    You should have broken them down.

    I recently had 1200 lbs of electric fan motors, if i had taken them in as is would have made $300 off them

    Instead i took them all apart and recovered 165 lbs of number 2 copper, @ 3.40 per lb, got $561

    I also got 72 lbs of cast aluminum, and the rest of the metal to turn in.

  3. The Following 4 Users say Thank You for This Post by Jimmythehand:

  4. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Awesome load, But I want to give you a little advice on the copeland compressor. If you return them to most HVAC supply houses you can get paid a core fee for them. This can be anywhere from $35.00 for a "K" body and up, I recently returned a Cope compressor to my local supply house and was paid $790.00 and I paid the guy cast iron price for it. Great day that day lol

  5. The Following 3 Users say Thank You for This Post by MDJSalvage:

  6. #4
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    MDJ, is that for the semi-hermatic compressors?

  7. #5
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    10-4 good buddy

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  9. #6
    250man started this thread.
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    Wow, thanks for the tip on the Copeland compressors, know for next time!

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