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  1. #1
    Victor started this thread.
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    Canton Ohio sheet iron prices 3-21-12

    Did the lunch break shuffle. $225.00 per net ton. FPT Canton LLC, Canton yard.

  2. #2
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Looks like you covered the cost of lunch! Nice prices

  3. #3
    Primo's Avatar
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    Hey bud, we'll give you $265 at American Recycling in Alliance.

    I had a complete price list made up for electronic and computer scrap and my mouse took a poop.

    Restarted and saved my work, or so I thought.

    Saved the office copy but, not the public copy.

    If you get a chance, please do stop in and see me.

    I'm there 10-4 Tuesday and Thursday and 3-4:30 M-W-F.

    My right hand is there daily though.

    PM me your email and I'll send you the current price list.
    “An alcoholic is someone you don't like who drinks as much as you do.”

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  4. #4
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    Primo I doubt he had a big enough load to make the trip up route 62 worth his while. I can also tell you if he took it to FPT in Cleveland on Aetna road where the actual shredder is at he would have been paid more then 265 for this shredd. Nice try though. I am just glad he didn't sell it to PSC which is probably who you are going to turn around and sell to. Just my guess either that or Slesnick. Either way I frown at both those companies allot.

  5. #5
    Primo's Avatar
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    I think the $40 difference is worth the 10-15 minute drive.

    Not to mention we have the best prices in the area (Akron/Canton/Alliance) on electronic and computer scrap.

    I know the owner shops around for the best price he can get which may well be FPT in Cleveland.

    An hour away.

    I run the electronic recycling part of the business.

    I wouldn't make anything on shred steel.

    Just posting what we're paying.

  6. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Not to mention we have the best prices in the area (Akron/Canton/Alliance) on electronic and computer scrap.
    You might want to post your prices for all the midwest and east coast people. Give them more options,,
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  7. #7
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    HUH not making any money on the shredd? Why be in business to break even. Yeah lets beat up our material handlers to make no money not to mention diesel. I guess that perplexes me. Not to mention its not a 10 to 15 minute drive. You guys are at the very last exit on route 62 at the very end of alliance Its a 20 minute drive at the least depending on traffic and the amount of stark county sherrifs you see on the way. I am curious about your prices on electronic scrap though seeing how the big dawgs in that industry are only an hour drive from you and you can ship to them for very little.

  8. #8
    Primo's Avatar
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    Why the hostility?

    I am an independent contractor working under their banner as partner in the e-scrap area of the business.

    I get a slightly higher return than regular "walk-in" customers on conventional scrap because I work out of the same building and produce a stream of material for them.

    That's it.

    I have nothing to do with buying conventional scrap.

    I am letting Victor and everyone else know that they can get a better price in ALLIANCE, OH.

    Are you in fact in MISSOURI?

    If so, what does it matter to you if someone here can get a better price (that I am telling them about!!)?

    If not, please update your location.

    Also, many people don't have the time to drive an hour and a half on a Tuesday (the only day you can deliver to boardsort) or get WAY less from my competitor in ALLIANCE, OH.

    If there is anyone else in the area I'd love to know.

    By the area I mean NE Ohio.

    Not St. Louis.

    Last edited by Primo; 03-27-2012 at 06:03 PM. Reason: Grammatercasting

  9. #9
    Primo's Avatar
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    Apparently as a non-paid member I can't disclose prices.

    PM me, anyone curious.

  10. #10
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    Not being hostile just questions. Thats all. I lived in canton ohio all my life and worked all over the place in NE OHIO. I live in Saint Louis for the moment just a stop by on my way south. I am also FPT for life. I used to contract for WMG who got bought out by FPT. I still would give my left leg to work for them they get the biggest and best scrap of any dealer in NE OHIO.

  11. #11
    Primo's Avatar
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    I wish you'd of said that from the start.

    I was born in Canton and spent half my life here.

    Been here and there and all around but, Canton is the place I call home.

    I run the Canton City E-Waste Program and just started this venture with American Recycling a few weeks ago.

    As with the E-Waste program it took a lot of time and work to get started.

    I'm not out to rip off my customers.

    I've been the guy who walks a mile with a bag of cans to make a buck.

    I'm out to make my customers happy.

    Plain and simple.

    Glad to meet a fellow Cantonian or Cantonite.

    Whichever you prefer.

  12. #12
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    I would think it would be a great benifit for you to be a piad member and start a buyers section and post your prices there. I kow the $39 bucks I spent has paid for itself 10 fold.

  13. #13
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    Hall of fame festival best festival ever. Thats the only thing I miss about ohio. H-O-O-V-E-R!!!

  14. #14
    Victor started this thread.
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    Little back history.......I use FPT's Canton yard as they are close to my full time job and I can be there on the scale, unload, paid out, and gone within a half hour most days. While I've done it....traveling to the east side of Alliance and back in a hour......way rough unless you want to give your ticket away to the courts for a traffic violation. The day above I took in 940 lbs of sheet iron which is an average weight load for me on the back of a pick-up "peddler" style. Since this is a part time gig for runs have to be during my lunch hours as the yards are still closed or already closed before and after work. Saturday's for me are spent doing pick-up's so that leaves my lunch hours.

    I have had very good luck with this yard. Their prices for non-ferous are some of the best or the best in the area. They got 6-7 guys at any one time hustling material out of trucks, onto scales and getting you paid out. Those guys work their @$$'s off and I appreciate it as it gets you in and out. For that....they get my loyality. I am sure I could get a better price for my sheet/heavy unprepared as they aren't the biggest yard in the area for that type of material but they have treated me fair over the years and I like their hustle. For that...and because of their location to where I am....they get my business.

    I've used other places in the past (Broadway Metal in Alliance was my go to yard for a long time, Slesnick in Canton, and a few others) but unless I am local to them on a job...I use FPT for 90% of my material currently.
    Last edited by Victor; 03-28-2012 at 10:29 AM.

  15. #15
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    Victor when you have time one day and are in Cleveland get off at the Harvard Ave. exit and hang a right go to east 91st turn left about 300 yards from that turn is WMG owned by FPT thats the start of FPT'S yard and follow the street to the next stop sign and turn left that's AETNA ave. and FPT Is on the left hand side and you can see the shredder from the street. It covers an entire city block and is insanely big for a scrap yard. They are biggest scrap company in NE OHIO. There is allot of history behind both those companies and how they came to own the scrap industry in NE OHIO. I am just glad I got my feet wet there and wish I could still work for them doing contract work. I just went there over Christmas break and no one was in the office that day that I knew. They didn't get that big by accident they have the hardest working crew of office people and salesmen I have ever seen in my lifetime.

  16. #16
    Victor started this thread.
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    Good old Slavic Village....been many, many years since I have been in that area. Used to remember buying smoked sausage in that area for Christmas as a kid. Somewhere off Fleet. Long time ago now. Dad used to work at the old Perlmutter Printing on East 49th....not all that far away. Been a long time since I been in that area but I do remember the place was huge and deep. That whole area just defines Cleveland in my mind. Blocks long heavy industrial companies with bars on every corner and houses and apartments sprinkled in. The air always seemed to smell like steel and cutting fluid....HAHA. Rust belt industrial neighborhood at it's finest.

  17. #17
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    Yup that about sums up that area. I am probably the only person you are ever going to hear say this but man do I miss not waking up every day getting in my truck and driving to Cleveland to go to the yard or some industrial complex in Cleveland to work. I really really miss cleveland.

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