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  1. #1
    vijunk started this thread.
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    Vancouver Island, Canada Prices March 27/12

    Thought some may find this of interest.
    Prices from Steel Pacific Recycling - Nanaimo (Cassidy), B.C., Canada - March 27/12.

    Alum Extrusion - 0.59/lb
    Alum Cast - 0.50/lb
    Alum Sheet - 0.47/lb
    Brass Yellow -1.80/lb
    No.2 Copper - 2.25/lb
    Electric Motor - 0.20/lb
    Transformer - 0.20/lb
    #2 Insulated Copper 25-35% Recovery - 0.50/lbs
    #2 Insulated Copper 50% Recovery - 1.10/lbs
    Prepared 304 Stainless - 0.45/lbs

    I would be interested in hearing comments on these prices. My thoughts are that the No2 Copper & Brass prices are low, and perhaps the Stainless - everything else seems fairly close to what I'm seeing here across the board. One disappointment was they only allowed Alum Sheet price for computer heat sinks, which seemed wrong to me.

  2. #2
    tackleberry's Avatar
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    Yes the prices for 304 SS and Cu#2 are very weak. The rest are also all lower than what I am getting but not way off.

    Did they not have an xrf gun to check the heatsinks?

  3. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Hey vijunk.... Al sheet price for heatsinks I'd be a little ticked off too, how much heatsinks worth did you have anyway?
    "If only I had known then, what I know now."

  4. #4
    Destructo_d's Avatar
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    Do you bring it to the Amix yard there? Should find out if one of their mainland yard's pays more... up in Kamloops, I am getting .50 across the board for alum... I think alum wire and rims pay slightly more.... not sure what #2 is right now... but is around 2.40-2.50. I am a little lower at .15 on motors but higher on stainless at .50

  5. #5
    vijunk started this thread.
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    Yeah, it's part of the Amix group. I think we get hammered on pricing here on the island due to everything having to eventually be transported to the mainland. I'm surprised that Kamloops pricing isn't a bit higher - that's very low for motors.

    They ended up tossing my heatsinks on the scale with the sheet, so I don't have the exact weight of heatsinks alone..... would have been 100-150 lbs ........ wasn't a lot of $$$ difference, but every dime counts.

    On the xrf gun thing..... will it distinguish difference in aluminum types/grades?

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