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Anyone dealt with Electro Copper Plating inside an old mirror? Is it worth breaking the glass to get to the copper plating inside?
There is a lot of weight to the mirror, but I doubt if that's all copper. It might just be a very thin sheet of copper, so it wouldn't be worth the hassle or danger in busting it apart, right? Maybe someone has already travelled down this road and can save me the trouble of learning a hard lesson.
I think that you knew the answer to your question before asking,
Anyone dealt with Electro Copper Plating electro deposited copper is a very thin layer of metal.
You have two health issues to concern yourself with fooling with old mirrors, you could get Silicosis from breathing the dust from the crushed glass then you could become brain dead from mercury poisoning.
Mercury is what makes the mirror shine, breaking the glass into so many fine particle is going to release fumes. Modern day mirrors are mercury free.
Silicosis - PubMed Health