You need to strip them down first.
They have a fair bit of Ali inside & the outer edges (trim) sometimes are Ali.
Theres copper tube around the motor & a copper 'sausage' thats full of some drier material like silica gell.
You need a magnet as they weld the copper tubing to Ali tubing & steel tubing & its hard to make out where they end & start again.
Theres the wiring made from copper & the thermostats got a copper tubing attached to it too.
Chest freezers have copper tubing (if you are lucky) inside the walls inside & towards the top of the freezer compartment.
The recirculating 'frost free' freezers have a Ali radiator & motors behind a false back in the freezer compartment.
Older fridges & freezers are a great find as some are actually almost made from Copper & brass. Well the lining is anyway.
I got about NZ$40 for the inner lining on a freezer.
You can use the fridge with everything removed as a tool box, some suit use at home & some fit nicely into the back of a truck bed etc.
They make nice Gun safes too. Tall thin ones & you can put the ammo into the freezer part.
The 'Ammonia fridges' are pretty dangerous if you muck it up.
They don't have a motor as such.
Look at the back of it & if its a 'camper fridge' that runs on 12 volt/gas/110volt &/or has a mass of tubing that looks like a metal intestine. Inside they have a finned block the size of a loaf of bread in one corner.
Theres Ali in that finned block, normally a nice chunk- 1Kg or a bit less.
Anyway, they are probably worth more to someone if it works (it takes a day or so to get them to 'cycle' & start working)
Great camping fridges & if you need to, or can, you can build a small fire under the right part & have a working fridge.
You will have to search the web to get that info, I havn't actually did it yet. (no need to).
If you break into it, it will release a big cloud of Ammonia gas.
That ammonia gas is pretty hard to cover up, it travels for ages & if you are in America the Police will be right onto it as they use Ammonia gas to make drugs & its a 'sure thing' theres a meth lab nearby if they smell it.
I walked past that was leaking & hit the cloud of invisable Ammonia gas, instantly my lungs went into convulsions & I was running backwards away from it without even knowing. Eyes watering like sprinklers.