So... I need help as I am new to scrapping and cant seem to figure some things out.
I have a pretty steady supply of AC units, water heaters, furnaces and other appliances but 1 yard I went to wont take dismantled appliances. I can take in the radiators from the ac units and copper but if I take the copper and brass off of water heaters they wont take them and basically I have to take another load to the garbage dump. I want to make a go out of scrapping cause I enjoy taking stuff apart and would like to make some money.
I also was doing some more research on this matter and came across a website for Alter Recycling which has a location near me in Des Moines and this is what was written on their site.
(refrigerators, dryers, microwaves, dehumidifiers, air conditioners, commercial coolers, dishwashers, furnaces, freezers, clothes washers, hot water heaters, kitches ranges/ovens, thermostats, drinking fountains, fluorescent lights, trash compactors, vending machines, etc.) Iowa facilities may accept demanufactured appliances from certified demanufacturers only or may accept if facility is certified to demanufacture (may be subject to fee).
Facilities outside of Iowa may accept if certified free of refrigerants or if facility has the equipment to recover refrigerants. White goods must also be free of PCB-containing small capacitors and ballasts, and mercury-containing components (bulbs, switches), or be removed by the accepting facility.
I need help! I looked into that certification but in order for me to have it I have to have a facility for recycling. Am I missing something? Any help would be much appreciated!!! Thanks!