Found another TV side of the road. After getting home I cut into the thick wire that's usually copper and it was a bunch of red wires. The smaller thick wire is a orange red
Found another TV side of the road. After getting home I cut into the thick wire that's usually copper and it was a bunch of red wires. The smaller thick wire is a orange red
PS I wouldn't let me post the picture of it
Look at the wire where you cut it. is it copper collor or silver colored. if silver its alum wire. Usually can tell by the weight of it too.
Hard to tell the color in the middle.
I would be willing to bet that it is aluminum. I see a lot of wire that is copper colored on the outside, but is aluminum. Take a file to it. Every scrapper should have a file and a magnet at the minimum.
Took a file to it. Looks orange in the middle but sometimes looks silver. Its non magnetic
I'd say it's aluminum. If you cut copper wire, it's unmistakably red. Both copper and aluminum are non-magnetic.
People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.
I have found that alum.wire bends very easy compared to copper.With experience handling both you begin to get a feel for it.
Aluiminium wire melts & messes up a good copper wire burnoff....
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