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Valuable Lesson Learned

| Scrap Metal Questions and Answers
  1. #1
    meh started this thread.
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    Lightbulb Valuable Lesson Learned

    So i had the idea of trying to create a "little black book" of what prices to pay for electronics to actually turn a profit..turns out paying for stuff is not needed..and i dont mean stealing..I got off work early today and decided to try an experiment..i went to every cell phone store, computer store, general electronics store, and appliance store in my town..i hit the mother load..i have enough stuff from this first trip that i could sit for a week tearing things apart..and not only that but all of these places were paying someone to haul it off so that it could be "recycled", maybe I should spell that "scrapped for a profit"..all of these stores were delighted that i would take their crap for free..I gave them my name and soon the scrap will be rolling in.

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  3. #2
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    Cool! I'll try going to every store like that in my town I hope it won't be a wasted ten minutes ; )

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  5. #3
    KeyCityRecycling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    Cool! I'll try going to every store like that in my town I hope it won't be a wasted ten minutes ; )
    Must be a pretty big town if it will only take 10 minutes.

    Congrads on your score. Nothing is better than free stuff.

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  7. #4
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Yeah you will find that this gets old and your stockpiles will run out shortly......The only way I have found to have a constant supply of e-scrap is to pay for it.........Congrats on your score though but you will bleed the locals dry soon and will have to branch out

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  9. #5
    meh started this thread.
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    That is true to some extent..but for instance one sole proprietor computer store i stopped into said wow if only you had shown up five minutes earlier..apparently he had just paid to have his junk hauled took the guy well over a half hour to move all of the stuff out to his truck..the owner said he had stacks and stacks of monitors, towers, and laptops..according to him this is about a two week accumulation..soooo i suppose time will tell..i also scored huge at a phone store..(something like 35 or 40 phones)..he said this was just a months accumulation..i live in a mid size town..and im also an electrical engineering student..hopefully it will continue to rain..but even if it does start to dry up i can still go the auction/garage sale route..and i also advertise on craigslist..keeping my fingers crossed..And if it all goes south I still have a full time job lol..just doing this as a hobby.

  10. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meh View Post
    So i had the idea of trying to create a "little black book" of what prices to pay for electronics to actually turn a profit..turns out paying for stuff is not needed..and i dont mean stealing..I got off work early today and decided to try an experiment..i went to every cell phone store, computer store, general electronics store, and appliance store in my town..i hit the mother load..i have enough stuff from this first trip that i could sit for a week tearing things apart..and not only that but all of these places were paying someone to haul it off so that it could be "recycled", maybe I should spell that "scrapped for a profit"..all of these stores were delighted that i would take their crap for free..I gave them my name and soon the scrap will be rolling in.
    That's where the business cards come in handy, start out by printing your own. I have posted a few times on how to do that.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  12. #7
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Here is what I predict. Pretty soon that guy that charged for e-scrap is going to come in and hear all about you picking it up for free. Guess what? Now he is going to start paying 10 cents per pound for any and all e-waste.

    That is I like being the first guy on the block that pays. The computer shop will realise that you were up front with them.
    "64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981

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  14. #8
    meh started this thread.
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    Honesty is the only way to go..the store owner didnt even know the guys name..didnt have a number for him or anything..I hate to cut someones throat..but seriously..charging someone to scrap is just getting greedy..and in my experience when you do that you lose..the store owner said Im his man..I told him what i intend to do with it and what the other guy does with it..he was a bit bothered that he was paying hopefully Ill be the owners go to guy..even if the other person starts to pay..the owner is also going to give the person my number..Id love to talk with him for a few minutes.."this town ain't big enough for the both of us"..maybe we can strike a deal so we arent stepping on one anothers toes..

  15. #9
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    Cool! I'll try going to every store like that in my town I hope it won't be a wasted ten minutes ; )
    even if you have to stop at the red light lol
    Old dogs care about you even when you make mistakes;
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