Originally Posted by
I've heard that--but how do you know if its still any good?
Easy as pie. Hook a drill to it and spin it up. Then check with dvom to insure its putting out voltage. Youtube is full of how to videos.
Funniest thing I found is a perpetual motion machine that I thought of year ago, but never patented. Everybody says it is against the law of physics, but you can make a genny that powers itself and puts out juice as well. All you need is one of these treadmill motors rrun by another electrical motor. Once the treadmill motor is putting out juice it will feed the motor juice that is spinning the treadmill motor. So essentially a perpetual motion/energy machine that is essentially free with no byproduct of smog or fuel used.
Then leftover juice can be use to charge up a battery bank which you would run a Invertor off of. The possibilities are endless. Only thing i cant explain is why these are better at putting out juice compared to a everyday motor like in a pool pump.
The videos are on youtube proving this theory solid which I had thought of many years ago. When everyone said perpetual machine was against the laws of physics. I honestly would say this is as close to perpetual motion as you get. A machine feeding itself with no maintenance.
Hmm me thinks Im going to go build one. Funniest thing is Tesla probably had thought of these ideas, but his partner Edison stole all because he made it to the patent office before Tesla did. And tesla died a broke old guy in a apt with nothing while Edison died a millionare.
Ponder this and I will get off my soap box. If history was changed and Tesla made it to the patent office before Edison, we would have wireless electricity flowing through the air with no wires. We would be able to turn a light bulb on anywhere in the world just by holding it. Hence the tesla coil which was a wireless energy experiment flowing through the air with no wire grid. Ponder that the wire grid is almost a 100 years and highly prone to fail at any moment while Tesla idea would prevent that
Just imagine all the other ideas Tesla had, maybe even a perpetual motion energy machine like I have stated. And got lost in time. RIP Mr Tesla....the true father of electricity....:>