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Water well pump question

| Scrap Metal Questions and Answers
  1. #1
    DrewinGA started this thread.
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    Water well pump question

    Hi everybody, new member here, introduced myself in that forum today. I have my old well pump from when the motor gave out 2 years ago. I know its stainless and can't get all the way into the motor side of it, not that I really want to for all I've read in other forums is they're not really worth the effort for copper. It's about 40 lbs. So I'm wondering if I can get at least a motor price at the yard rather than settling for shred?

    Also the little bit of wire that I do have from it is braided inside, and I've never scrapped waterproof wire, will this pass for #2 insulated? I'm pretty sure since one of my yards doesn't look too close at #2. Any feedback would be great, sorry for the newbie question, but that's why I'm here, for all the great info. Thanks, Drew

  2. #2
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    electric motors, .30 a pound or so around here. Quick and easy.

  3. #3
    waredu's Avatar
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    I do these all the time. I get #2 pricing for the wire and motor price for the motor part. There should be two parts - the top half is fairly light and contains the impellers. I'm letting those pile up for now and will cut them apart when things get slow. The bottom half is the motor. I just cut the wires and undo the four bolts holding the two halves together.

  4. #4
    DrewinGA started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by waredu View Post
    I do these all the time. I get #2 pricing for the wire and motor price for the motor part. There should be two parts - the top half is fairly light and contains the impellers. I'm letting those pile up for now and will cut them apart when things get slow. The bottom half is the motor. I just cut the wires and undo the four bolts holding the two halves together.
    I appreciate the confirmation. Now I better get it cleaned up before the wife sees another teardown in the house. She'll be like "You couldn't do like a toaster oven or something...?" lol Thanks again, -Drew

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